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关于”低碳环保“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Low carbon envinmental ptection。以下是关于低碳环保小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Low carbon envinmental ptection

For example, in some places, air and water pollution is seous. At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger becse of habitat destruction. Fortunately, we humans have realized this pblem on Apl


There are millions of people nd the world who have done something beneficial for the earth Some people clean up beaches and water, some people pick up garbage, others give speeches and call for people to take action. But can we save the earth in one day? The fute of the earth depends on o efforts. What we should do is to make ry day Earth Day.

Can we do it only if we take good care of it ry day? Hope to live in harmony with nate, let me feel To low carbon life, a new way of life called low carbon life is in ry corner of o country. Low carbon is the concept of low ener consumption and no waste. This is a very important pject.

I can't wait to put forward my own ideas on how to pmote it at the first time of nocar day, becse cars not only cse seous air pollution, but also waste ener in card free days Teachers are not allowed to dve to school, and can only walk, jump, bike or run. Second, we'd better not use plastic bags any , and we should not use plastic bags any . White pollution, so it's wise to use reusable bags.

Last but not least, we should remember that ry big thing comes fm the details. Therefore, as students, we should tn off the lights when we leave, tn off the tap in time, reuse o textbooks and so on. All in all, it's very important for all of us to put a low-carbon lifestyle into practice as long as we keep o minds free of plastic bags and waste on these nocar days.

Now, nocarnocar:: nocar.





2:低碳环保,Today's society is a highly dloped society in science and technolo, but the shortcomings in the dlopment pcess are obvious, such as carbon dioxide, and the most seous envinmental pollution should be carbon dioxide. Now, the pblem of global warming is due to the excessive emission of greenhouse gases and excessive emission of carbon dioxide, resulting in o lls of ice: economic diversification and lagged behind La Nina phenomenon As Sichuan melts, polar animals will lose their chance to svive. At the same time, sea ll will se.

Many coastal cities have not csed water inflow in a few years. Therefore, we must take necessary meases to reduce the impact of carbon dioxide on the envinment, such as planting trees and reducing the use of fossil fuels. We can do this fm oselves and advocate low-carbon life.




3:低碳环保,Low carbon life fm me, the earth is o home, we should ptect it, do not pollute it, low carbon life is life, reduce ener consumption, reduce carbon emissions, especially carbon dioxide emissions, reduce air pollution, slow down envinmental degradation, low carbon life, in fact, very students, when you take a bath, when you wash yo hair, wash yo face and brush yo teeth, have you r thought about it Save ry dp of water. When you use electc lights, TV and comrs, you may think that saving electcity is not a temporary thing, but an eternal topic of global warming. Carbon is the killer of global warming.

This is precisely becse of human's reckless and unfounded waste of resoces, which makes carbon emissions increase. Therefore, we should pay attention to carbon emissions The real culpt should be human beings, and human beings can not pduce carbon. Therefore, we must take an envinmentally fendly and civilized way of life.

Low carbon life needs to pay attention to saving electcity, water, oil and solar terms. I don't know how to save. All love and light, fm daytime to black water, is often a waste.

Advocating low-carbon life and knowing that saving has many benefits.



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