
发布时间:2023-10-30 15:33:05 阅读:47 点赞:0

关于”有好处“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The benefits of faith。以下是关于有好处初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of faith

In China, senior high school is the tning point of most students' life. Ding the three years of study, students are struggling for their own fute. Every student keeps on advancing with his own belief, which s them achi success.

The belief of high school students may not be religious belief, but a positive attitude. Students all think that learning is a good way Chairman Mao once said that we should learn to be old. I totally agree that when I was in high school, the bden of learning was very heavy, but I beli that learning is good for me, so I insist on this idea and thank it.

Today I still adhere to my education, and I take it as an example of success. High school students beli that there is no reward, no retn. Teachers always tell them that if you want to succeed, you must make efforts for yoself, no reward, no income.

This means that if you want to succeed, you have to work hard for it. School is a special peod in most people's lives. People are beeen childish and mate.

In this peod, maintaining a belief plays an important le. It gives you stren and coage, Make you fight for yo fute.





Belief is the creation of human wisdom (as the saying goes, wisdom plays an important le in human society. If one's mind is full, it will not be full of any bad ideas. Anyone who has a firm belief can enjoy a colorful life, otherwise he will be lost in his own way of life.

Faith is so important that it can change a person's fate. A little mouse falls into a bucket of cream. The first mouse gives up quickly and dwns.

The second mouse refuses to give up. He struggled so hard that he finally scrambled the cream into butter and crawled out. Obviously, the latter mouse is a man of his own faith.

There is always hope in his eyes to encoage him to fight, fight and fight. When he encounters difficulties, he will nr give up, becse the optimist sees opportunities in ry difficulty, while the pessimist sees difficulties in ry opportunity. The first mouse was such a pessimist.

He had no confidence in his life and became a slave to fate. Thus, it is possible for people with firm beliefs to succeed and their own lives.






I'm just an ordinary person. I want to do what I want to do with my own efforts. I beli in fate.

I beli that fate is too true. Maybe yo interesting emotions are very possible. Maybe my narration is too bong.

I can't make it vivid and touching. Or to me, it's so magical and wonderful and mantic. It's easy to find someone in a village It's easy to find a person in a village, but the premise is that you don't know which village is in a town.

To find a floating population and how to walk on the vast streets easily, I have no way to go in the face of one stranger after another. I am very depressed. I beli in fate, I beli in God, and I beli he will take care of me I've been to a place so far, I don't have any extra ideas.

I hope that if I can find him, then people's heart beating things are how to make it. In other words, I want to see him, and I want to want to see him very much. Doesn't it need any reason.



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