
发布时间:2023-12-17 09:04:40 阅读:784 点赞:0

关于”打篮球好处“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The benefits of playing basketball。以下是关于打篮球好处初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of playing basketball

Everyone has his own dream, dream is so important for o fute, becse I like playing s since childhood, so with the gwth of age, I always earnestly hope to play s in my team. In high school, my favote is playing basketball. Fm now on, I be to watch NBA, so my dream has become a basketball dictator and basketball players are always changing I'm disappointed in my injed dream, but having o own dream may change yo fute.




Some people say that playing basketball can lose weight. I was not so lucky. Not only did I not lose weight, but I became and fat.

A month later, I found that I suddenly gained a lot of pounds. My fends thought I was wasting my time. In fact, they didn't know that I was really interested in playing with fends rather than playing.




If his career is over, he has done it, and his conditions have been impved. What is highly needed is not rhetoc, but to give you ry last minute as a last minute. I would like to intduce a legendary star, not to say that emper Jordan basketball has become a truly indomitable boxer.

Alonzomonin graduated fm Georgetown University in January time all star : namely The times best defensive player award, a tough guy who won the championship last season, blocked his honor season, shaquillo's career is not ooth, is a great defensive tough guy, thugh transplantation, he was diaosed with sre kidney disease, in a year of basketball career, he may retn to the field than the former, howr, than If this tough guy ed the team win the championship with indomitable fighting spit, they would nr fall down. When he came down fm the sky last year, he still participated in the Sydney Olympic Games. Anyway, his height would accept such ctici, but his direction towards the championship still exudes inner ener.

The nets and the heat are three NBA teams, sad, Alonzo Moning is one of them. This old veteran has drawn a perfect end to this year's career. Alonzo monen retired in the last of the NBA finals.

Everyone can see that shajinier is not my idol. His opponent's 5 blocks make the team perform a acle after dark in the playoffs, a fighter, but he wte with his tough spit for a peod of time In the center for a very short time, like San Diego, there has nr been a lack of stng men in the University. Perhaps moning itself contains the meaning of sadness.

There, he won the title of Alonzo moning and was selected by the Hornets in the first und of the draft. He has nr fallen down. His shirt is always hanging over the air center of the United States, and his career has been for a long time Hornets, he has said since joining the heat to join the NBA, after all, will nr come to the battlefield today's faile.



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