
发布时间:2023-03-31 07:03:13 阅读:134 点赞:0

关于”在历史博物馆当讲解员好处“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The advantages of being an interpreter in the History Museum。以下是关于在历史博物馆当讲解员好处初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The advantages of being an interpreter in the History Museum

Last Sunday, my clasates and I went to visit the history museum. We went by bus. We left school at sn in the morning, and half an ho later, we arved at the museum.

We enter the museum at about eight. We saw a lot of histocal things in the museum, and we also listened to the explanation of the museum staff. We learned a lot fm this visit when we came home fm the museum.





Located in the northwest of the Dayan Pagoda in the ancient city of Xi'an, the Shaanxi History Museum is the first large-scale modern national museum in China. It is known as "the Pearl of the ancient city and the trease house of China". It is in line with the will of former Premier Zhou Enlai.

The museum was built on December, and opened to the outside world with a building area of square meters, a building area of square meters, a cultal reli storehouse of square meters, a exhibition hall of square meters, and a museum Tibetan cultal reli, with a building area of square meters, is a Tang style building with "Hall in the middle and buildings in the corner". It is elet and grand. The combination of traditional architecte and modern science fully reflects the folk tradition, local charactesti and the spit of the times.

Shaanxi has been the Impeal capital since ancient times. In history, sral feudal dynasties such as Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang established capitals here. Shaanxi Pvince is ch in wealth Among the cultal reli after the completion of the history museum, there are than precious cultal reli unearthed in Shaanxi Pvince, which are large in number, complete in vaety and high in grade.

The bnzes, pottery figines and mals in the to of the Tang Dynasty are all wonderful art treases.




Attention students, please pay attention, I have a notice this week, we are going to visit the history museum, forei teachers will go with us, please gather at the school gate in the United States, do not forget to take yo notebook, do not make noise or take photos when visiting the museum, we will leave the museum at the following time to go to school: have a good week, thank you.



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