
发布时间:2024-04-13 05:17:24 阅读:11 点赞:0

关于”用手机好处“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Benefits of using mobile phones。以下是关于用手机好处初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of using mobile phones

Dear editor, mobile phones are becoming and popular among middle school students. You really, Wang Lin a possible version: Dear Editor (fm: wwwrrcom) in my opinion, mobile phones are becoming and popular among middle school students. We can bng mobile phones to schools.

We should know that the centy is a modern era full of information, and mobile phones are one of the fas tools for us to exchange information A mobile phone is a fashionable and practical invention, so we should make full use of it. If there is an emergency, we can call for immediately, or play some s. In my opinion, when we are tired of learning, we can relax oselves by playing mobile phones.

I don't think it's wng to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone correctly (fm: wwwrrcom) you really, Wang Lin student technolo.




Mobile phones have become one of the most popular technologies in the world. Mobile phones used to be a tool for us to contact each other in an emergency, but now ryone uses it as a video player, an iPod, or n a comr. When we are bored on the train, we send short messages to o fends.

We call o parents to remind them not to forget the one they have to attend Important meetings, when we have to wait in long lines for what we really want, we listen to music on mobile phones, which is a new entertainment that no one can miss.




We know that with the dlopment of society, and students use mobile phones. In my opinion, they are gifts fm their parents, fends or relatives. The disadvantages of using mobile phones are much obvious than the advantages of using mobile phones.

First of all, mobile phones can distract us fm listening to teachers in class. When we are in class, mobile phones ng. Undouedly, it will make all of us, including teachers and students, feel uneasy, so it will have a negative impact on o learning.

Second, we are very clear that using mobile phones will damage o health and brain. Fm the perspective of health, let me Last but not least, many of us use mobile phones to communicate with fends, but the pblem is whether they are all good to you, which can easily lead to bad fends.



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