
发布时间:2023-06-01 13:16:24 阅读:70 点赞:0

关于”音乐在社会中地位“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The status of music in society。以下是关于音乐在社会中地位初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The status of music in society

Women have made great contbutions to the dlopment of politi, but they still face vaous forms of gender discmination in politi. They are expeencing some bong things that can distinguish the winner fm the loser. Howr, their chances of pmotion are very slim.

While men can always be trusted economically, the vast majoty of women usually get lower pay and are not apppate. Although men's wages have always been higher than women's in the same position, many people prefer to see this as the result of the diversity of social division of labor rather than i. Many Amecan women are n content to be infeor citizens in the society.

It is a long and difficult pcess before Amecan women get real equality.




Women (women in modern society) have made great contbutions to the dlopment of politi, but they still face vaous forms of gender discmination in politi. They are going thugh some bong tvia, which may lead to the difference beeen success and faile, but their chances of pmotion are very all. Men can always be trusted economically, and most women usually get it Lower wages and impper jobs, although men are always paid than women in the same positions, many prefer to see it as the result of the diversity of social divisions rather than i.

Any Amecan woman is n content to become a lower class citizen in society. Therefore, there is still a long and hard way to go for Amecan women to achi real equality.




In today's society, some people always think that competition is rywhere in o life, which is to some extent correct. Their reasons are as follows: first of all, they beli that only competition can them defeat their competitors. In addition, they beli that competition is the only way to success, while others hold different views.

They think that cooperation and competition are equally important. Their views are based on the following reasons: on the one hand, cooperation can build mutual trust and to establish long-term relationship. Cooperation can tn weak enterpses into big and stng enterpses.

We can draw such a conclusion On: competition and cooperation are the key to success, so they should be emphasized at the same time.



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