
发布时间:2023-04-23 04:21:21 阅读:101 点赞:0

关于”涉及时间地点“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Time and place involved。以下是关于涉及时间地点考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Time and place involved

In fnt of the ancient long bud, where withered trees and flowers, half saved a lot of words, hidden in the white haired " statement", telling the story of life, "where has nr really felt young and old, had a lifetime of children, full of children crying and lghing." this is the song I heard at the Spng Festival Gala. One line of ly expresses my feelings, and the expression of parents' love is and dynamic Song Dan Dan Dan plays a le of psychological expeence. Without por consultation and consent, I deeply feel that this song has a stng vitality.

The chastity ly of "where is all the time" are directly related to the 's heart, which will se people's hearts to express their love for their parents. The slow melody and deep love flow slowly. Yes, just as the ly say, "Where has always been" parents have paid a pce for o busy life.

In their values, what we can't replace is that o time and the time we go to are like flowing water, which will nr be seen. Even Su Shi is in fnt of us. The water still flows wesard.

Hugh will sing the ch poems of "yellow hair", which can not stop the passage of time. We only chesh ry day I think these are all excuses to chesh time and save time: Mr. Lu Xun is a good example, Lu Xun almost ry day in time.




The benefits of exercise maybe some people don't know what is good exercise. Exercise is a good way of life in o life. Why many people want to exercise ry day, bee they think it's good for their health, and it's very interesting.

If you exercise ry day, regular exercise can o blood circulation and us keep healthy. Yo body will become very stng and healthy In o life, there are many ways of exercise, for example, you can run, walk, play bton, basketball and so on. Exercise is very important and interesting.




New year's day) world Wetland Day) Valentine's day) International Women's day) China Arbor Day) International Police Day) World Consumer Rights Day (World Forest Day) world sleep day) World Water Day) world weather day) World Tuberculosis Day) Apl Fool's day) tomb day) World Health Day (intellectual Pperty Day) International Labor Day) World Asthma Day) China Youth Day) World Red Css Day) International Nsing day) international family day) world telecommunication day) international milk day) (International Children's day) international envinment day) Olympic Day) international anti drug day) international construction day) world population day) International Youth Day) International Literacy Day) teachers' day) International Ozone Layer Ptection Day) world cease fire day) World Tou Day (International Day of Music) International Day of the elderly) World Animal Day) world teacher's Day (World Post Day) World Mental Health Day) world standards day) International Day of the blind) world ral women's day) World Food Day) world dlopment information day) International Biodiversity Day) World Diabetes Day) International day for the elimination of violence against women) World World disabled people's Day (World Football Day) Chstmas) International Biodiversity Day (Easter Monday, mother's day) father's Day (International Day of peace) International Day of the deaf (World Habitat Day) Thanksgiving Day) International Day of disaster reduction (World sight day) Thanksgiving Day) (Spng Festival) (lantern Festival) (Dragon Boat Festival) Double Snth Festival (Mid Autumn Festival) (Chonang Festival) (Laba ce pordge Festival).



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