
发布时间:2023-07-04 12:59:38 阅读:190 点赞:0

关于”有趣校园生活“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Interesting campus life。以下是关于有趣校园生活小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Interesting campus life

I am wting this article to tell you that we have discussed whether there is real fendship beeen male and female students. We have different opinions on the issue of students. They think that there is a real fendship beeen them.

On the one hand, they think that there is no real fendship beeen boys and girls, bee it is easy to fall in love at a very young age, thus affecting them study. In my opinion, the fendship beeen boys and girls can dlop yo fendship very well, Lihua.




Campus life is embellished with my ad. It will always be a betiful campus life in my heart. It not only looks bong, but also the lghter and knowledge of the students in the next class.

Sometimes they are in a trance, sometimes they will tn aund in the sky, sometimes they are silent. Everything is calm, only the bong pcess. It is not o campus life.

We are gwing up in o study Learning in the gwth, entertainment learning, learning, this is o campus life. Now, we still ile walking on the campus Avenue, and the hst moment when we leave the campus comes, let us look at o ad, I beli that we should feel no pde waste of time, have a ch vision of a better fute Letter, unforgettable campus life will become o best memory, my campus life embellishment my ad, it will always be a betiful campus life in my heart, not only the seemingly bong cose, but also the lghter and gratitude and resentment of the students in the next class, the heart of knowledge sometimes rattles, can you, the ends of the earth, sometimes silent, rything is just a bong pcess, it It's not o campus life. We gw up in study, gw in study, entertainment in study and entertainment in study.

This is o campus life now. We still walk on the avenue with ile. The hst moment is when we leave the campus.

Let's have a look at o ad. I beli we have a feeling I beli the unforgettable campus life will become o best memory. Thank you very much.




Dear Hubin, I haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't heard fm you for months. How are you doing? My new semester is coming.

Let me tell you something ry morning. I start to walk to school fm 20:00 to 7:00, and I start classes at 7:00. I have sn subjects to learn.

They are English, Chinese, mathemati, biolo, history, politi and geography. I like English best bee it is easy and interesting for me to learn. At the same time, I hate mathemati bee it is bong after school.

I often play basketball with my clasates. I like it very much bee it can make me healthier. I love my campus life.

I am looking forward to yo letter.



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