
发布时间:2023-10-18 14:15:14 阅读:350 点赞:0

关于”如何建立良好邻里关系“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to establish good neighborhood relations。以下是关于如何建立良好邻里关系雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to establish good neighborhood relations

My ideal neighborhood relationship is that it is common for neighbors to visit each other. The first time I visited my neighbor was ding the day and there was plenty of time on weekends. If my neighbor came to visit me and bught a all gift to my neighbor, it would not be regarded as an unexpected guest.

I would warmly and politely establish a good Nei birth: living under the same of, neighbors meet each other ry day, which requires respect for each other, and try to pay attention not to visit when there is only one neighbor, so as not to cse any inconvenience Necessary misunderstandings, don't css examine neighbors' pvacy, etc., becse of their matal status and income, usually, often, sometimes, ry week (day, year, month, Sunday, Monday + be / do + + AM / is / are + not + dodesn'tbedodes.




The fire in hilbough fo years ago destyed 30 houses, most of which were rebuilt when the contractor rebuilt the houses. Nate is replanting grass, shrubs and shrubs. Now the area is covered with shrubs, which once again constitutes a major fire accident.

The City Council asked the bidders to remove the bushes, and the lowest bid they received was US dollars, If the city pvides breakfast and lunch for staff within six weeks, weedy areas need to be cleaned up, and the city council will pvide an unlimited amount of coffee (black coffee only) and a doughnut for each worker. The city government asked for on its website, a shepherd in Montana and a shepherd in San Bernardino People read about the plight of the city when they the Internet on their laptops, and they are willing to do the work in dollars. The city council chose the shepherd, becse when he learned that the city dump was full of people, he lived closer.

No pblem. My goat will eat rything in yo dump, except the car engine. Of cose, for another dollar, the city will kill o birds with one stone.

If all goes well, they invite the shepherd and his family back ry three years. The Shepherd said he might go to San Diego and his goat was in the garbage. I want to take one.

I just hope we don't crash.





How to establish an ideal teacher-student relationship teacher-student relationship can be good or bad, ful or harmful. This relationship may affect students' life. A good teacher-student relationship will make learning pleasant and efficient.

On the contrary, a bad relationship will hinder students' learning and make teaching an unpleasant task. But how about it To establish an ideal teacher-student relationship, first of all, teachers and students should respond to each other, which is a preconceived good relationship, and teachers' attitude plays an important le. If the teacher is too stct, on the other hand, it may fghten the students.

If the teacher is too indulgent, the students may become lazy. In addition, teachers should encoage students, as well as patience and understanding. Finally, for students, they should have a stng thirst for knowledge and study hard.

If they learn fm the teacher modestly, they can fully benefit fm the teacher's teaching conclusion. A good teacher-student relationship requires the joint efforts of the old teachers and students, so that students can enjoy knowledge and teachers can oain satiaction fm teaching work It is mutually beneficial.



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