
发布时间:2023-05-13 15:53:43 阅读:407 点赞:0

关于”和家人发生感人故事“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Touching stoes with family。以下是关于和家人发生感人故事小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Touching stoes with family

Tan qianu, male, Sichuan Mianzhu earthquake occred in May, the first teaching building of Dongqi middle school collapsed instantly. Tan qianu's alumni was in a csis in the classom of the teaching building. He tightly covered fo high school students with his arms at night.

When people torted him out of the ruins, his arm was still open on the table, lying pne with scars on his arm, and his head was injed A floor was crushed and sunken for sral years. At that time, there was only life. Under his ptection, the fo students succesully rescued her.

The rescue workers found her. She was dead, and the collapsed house collapsed. Thugh the pile of ruins, you can see the cleaning poste.

She knelt on the gund, her whole body was lifted up with her hands, and she supported her body on her knees, some of which were crawling like the ancients After he confirmed the news of her death, he yelled sral times on the ruins. When there was no response inside, the cwd walked to the nearby building. The rescue team leader suddenly ran back, ran nd and called "come here".

He came to her body, He ted to jump into the woman's body. He touched it and called out, "someone, a child, is still alive." after a lot of efforts, people carefully put the ruins that blocked her on the clear open . Under the body, there was her child, wrapped in a all chrysanthemum quilt with a red belt.

He was about sral months old. He was completely covered by his mother's body After a long time, he still fell asleep peacefully. His face made ryone feel very warm.

He accompanied the doctor to unlock the lock to do some examination. He found a mobile phone in the quilt. The doctor looked at the screen of the mobile phone subconsciously and found that there was a message wtten on the screen: "dear baby, if you can svive, you must remember that I love you." I'm used to seeing the doctor but I'm bereaved.

I cry at this moment. My cell phone delivers it. Every time I look at a text message, it's tears.




A pspeus restaant in Malan village suddenly closed down. Many reporters who were puzzled by the news learned that not long ago, there was a goat and its moving scene, which made the restaant owner feel uneasy. He decided to close the restaant and stop slghteng live sheep in this industry.

In the shop, the old rules of the restaant also boasted that the store pvided fresh and delicious food Meat, but according to a person familiar with the matter, half a month ago, boss Zhao bought a little o sheep fm a farmer today. Boss Zhao was going to kill a sheep. He be to prepare to put the knife on the bench, and then tned into the house to take a basin for the sheep.

He could put the basin out but could not find the knife. The people in the shop said that they didn't see it at this time. The big sheep were crying and licking the mutton, while those on the gund were Xiaoyang looked up at the big horn sheep.

His tears were wet. The hair under his eyes saw this scene. He called boss Zhao to see the scene.

My heart shuddered. I recalled that the sheep seller said that the o sheep were mother and son. Seeing this situation, it should be the last son who knew that the departe was coming soon.

It was heartache to separate. In order not to let it see the sheep being killed, boss Zhao asked the sheep to be slghtered The meat was pulled out after a while. The man lying on the gund said that he was looking for someone who didn't know how to cut the knife under the mutton, but ryone agreed that the lamb must have hidden the knife at the bottom in order to prnt his mother fm being killed.

They had heard of cattle before. A few days before, boss Zhao hesitated for a few days, but he still decided to let his son in this family After struggling for a few days at the door of the store, he finally reassed Mr. Zhao that the restaant was no longer engaged in this industry.




One day, a woman had a high fr. She lay on the bed lessly. No one knew she was ill.

Her pet dog barked at the woman, but she didn't wake up. The pet dog was very wored. But the woman opened the door with her paws, and she ran outside and cght a young man in the hallway of the building.

The dog took him to the woman's house. The young man knew what was going on and took the woman to the hospital. The woman is saved.




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