
发布时间:2022-12-18 11:40:01 阅读:89 点赞:0

关于”语法很难“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Grammar is difficult。以下是关于语法很难xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Grammar is difficult

Many students like to play comr s, and some n spend most of their time and pocket money on them. When students are fascinated by comr s, they are easily tired becse they play until midnight. These students' academic performance is not good, so I think it is not good for students to play comr s.




Sun is always sent to temporary losers on the playgund after the wind and rain. If we can have a draft, we can copy it again. We must descbe and wte o life carefully.

Maybe we may not wte better than others, but we must wte betiful than oselves for the first time. Life may not be as happy as we imagine and the ad of life can not be ooth Frankly, people's mood will nr be static, there will be success, there will be faile.




As for the pblem of agers, I always encounter many pblems that teachers and parents think are unnecessary, but they often bng us tuble. Teachers always leave us too much homework and finish it quickly. We have to spend a lot of time doing it.

Check it again. Even on weekends, I have to take all kinds of coses to ench myself. I practice the sentence "don't lose at the beginning." so I'm not allowed to play comr s.

These s are considered to distb o learning. The amount of homework is large, just like the mountain has been pressing on us. We have no time to exercise, so we often get sick, which is not good for o health and study.



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