
发布时间:2024-02-11 06:50:30 阅读:32 点赞:0

关于”有关友情记叙“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A narrative of fendship。以下是关于有关友情记叙考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A narrative of fendship

Fendship is an indispensable part of human life. A person without a fend is an angel without wings. His life will suffer fm loneliness and depression for a long time.

Fendship is the mother of o soul. When a child is ht, she will warm her child. We have a lot of things to share with o fends, confusion, excent, pain and so on A true fendship is wonderful.

It takes a lot of special qualities to make fends understand. Only when we get to know each other better can we have a true and meaningful fendship. We can find o common interests and hobbies.

This kind of closeness makes us closer and closer. A kind of special love that seems to be endless. When yo fend is in tuble, do not hesitate to show his / her sincere care and kindness.

Love is not selfish. Love is given to us by God. We should chesh all o lives.

Tolerance is the third important part of fendship. We are totally different people. This personal difference may cse conflicts beeen us.

In ry aspect of o life, don't let oselves immerse oselves in this pain for too long. Try to tolerate his / her intspective emotion. Saints are not perfect, let alone ordinary people like us.

We should get a good gap Thugh nr shy ance, love and tolerance are the first three elements of true fendship. Other qualities should also be considered, such as consideration, trust and patience. Remember, fendship is the guardian of yo heart.

Chesh it.





Encoage each other: it seems that we all need encoagement, that is to say, we not only need to be encoaged, but also need to motivate others when we encounter difficulties. We may lose confidence to do rything. A fend or other person may give you some advice or comfort, and he may encoage you to use "I beli you, you are art, I beli you will ntually" For example, when I was prepang for the postgraduate entrance examination, many fends often encoaged me, which gave me the confidence to pass the exam, my dream came true, and praise can also give us a lot of encoagement.

For example, when I was a middle school student, my English teacher often asked me to perform dialogues and praise me with "very good", which made me very interested in learning English Everyone needs words of encoagement, just as we need fm others. So when ryone needs something, such as when he / she puts on new clothes, when they are in difficulties, when they finish their work on time, etc., yo words may him a lot, which may change his life and let us form the good habit of encoaging others One of my fends is ill now. I hope ryone can encoage him and him so that he can be healthy as soon as possible.




ng fends is a skill, and like many other skills, it impves with practice. If you want to make fends, you have to be willing to take some actions. You have to go to places where you don't need to make fends, stay at home alone, join a club or a gup, it's much easier to go with people you like as much as you do, or take part in some activities.

Many people feel nervous when they talk to strangers. After all, meeting strangers means facing the unknown Things and the human nate of being uneasy about the unknown. O fear of dealing with strangers comes mostly fm o own dous about oselves.

We think that others are judging us too high or too high. In short, this or that, but don't forget that they must feel the same way. Try to accept yoself, try to relax, and you'll feel comfortable.

Try to be confident, n if you don't When you walk into a om full of strangers, such as a new classom, stand upght, look directly at others, ile. If you see a person you like to talk to, say something, don't wait for the other person to start talking. Just knowing a new one doesn't mean that you will make fends with that person.

Fendship is based on mutual liking and needs time and ener To dlop.



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