
发布时间:2023-06-02 04:16:08 阅读:113 点赞:0

关于”坚持自己“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Stick to yoself。以下是关于坚持自己高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Stick to yoself

Faile is not terble, terble is that you are reflecting on yo life, "maybe I should give my dream a chance, maybe I will succeed, maybe I will realize my dream", but now it is too late, you may have missed the opportunity don't be afraid to follow yo dream, this is the worst thing you can do to yoself cky singer "too many times It's happening so fast you've changed yo passion for glory don't lose contl of yo past dreams you have to fight to keep yo dreams. ".


失败并不可怕可怕可怕是,你正在反思你生活,“也许我应该给我梦想一个机会,也许我会成,也许我会实现我梦想”,但现在已经太迟了,你可能已经错过了良机 不要害怕追随你梦想,这是你能对自己做最糟糕事情 ·辛格 ”太多了有时候,它发生得太快了 你改变了你对荣耀热情 不要失去对过去梦想控制 你必须为保持梦想而奋斗”。


What is the real factor that attracts people to indulge in QQ far? It is very interesting and can reduce the presse of students. We can enjoy the satiaction of waiting for harvest and look forward to the harvest after a peod of time. Howr, it also bngs us a lot of influences, such as delaying o study, distracting o attention, affecting o academic performance and escaping fm the real world To form the harmful concept of not working, I think we should look for happiness fm the real world, not fm QQ far and study hard.




When we were prepang for the weekend practice match, I had an interesting conversation with a teammate I didn't know very well. He asked me, "OK, we work for oselves. We run a sofare company." I replied, "Oh, that's great.

I work for XYZ company, but you know I always want to get into animation desi and work for myself. That's my dream You're in the wng business "XX" you're not dead, are you "I'm trying not to say it out loud, and he goes on to say," you know, I've wanted to do this for years, but once you have a family, it's hard to do anything else. "I can't resist, so I say," that's great.

If you really want to do that, maybe you should take some animation classes Cheng, or self-study at yo own pace, would be a good start. "Pat replied," no, it's hard. There's a family, a full-time job, no time.

I'd like to, but I can't "reluctantly, I suggest." so maybe you should consider doing a few weeks / months of full-time training, maybe full-time diving, "and he looked at me as if I had just let him chop Lose yo ght hand. "Are you crazy? Where's the salary? Realizing that this conversation was squabbling with someone I didn't know very well at first, I chose to ile and that's all, but it made me wonder why people refuse to take the sk of psuing their dreams? If their dreams are not worth it, why should we sulk for them in the fute? We should not at least give o dreams a fair chance.



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