
发布时间:2023-05-26 06:15:57 阅读:178 点赞:0

关于”简单有效省钱方法“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Simple and effective ways to save money。以下是关于简单有效省钱方法高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Simple and effective ways to save money

This is my Waterloo a, B, C, D. so, what's the matter with you? O class was going to visit the old people living there in Handan sanatoum. We all wanted to go there as soon as possible.

But today we really came here. So you can imagine how happy we were at that time. About in the morning, we walked out of school with tools and went to Handan nsing home.

About when we got there, although we were a little tired, we didn't want to rest, becse some old people seldom came out, so some of US ed them walk aund to breathe fresh air, some ed them wash clothes, others swept the floor. Most of us nr did such things at home, so we may not do well, but we all try o best We did: we had lunch with them. O monitor stood next to us at lunch time and prayed to them.

After lunch, we were all very happy. Before we came, we had a party with the old people. We had prepared some songs for them.

They were very satiied with o pgram. Although o performance may not be good, the ile on their faces let me We are very happy. Happy times always go fast.

Although we don't notice that we have been here for a long time, the clock on the wall clearly tells us that it's time to go home. So we had to say goodbye to the old people on o way home. We all said that today is really an important day and we decided to do it again as soon as we had time.

I can't stand my poor English. I can't stand my wasting ten years. I can't stand being dressed like this.




2:简单有效省钱方法,He will soon learn. It's also important to remember that by listening to others speak o own language, rather than watching what they wte, we imitate what we hear in school. Although you have learned to read, wte, listen and speak, it's better to learn all the new words thugh yo ears.

Of cose, you should also learn to read. Many s do this in their spare time. Everyone knows their own language, But it's very useful to know another language.

It's the best way to learn a language. We should remember that we all learned o own language. Well, when we were children, if we can learn a second language in the same way, if one has to use a second language all the time when he wants something, it must ask for it.

It has always been Think in the language of its speech and thinking, think about what a child does, what it will listen to, and try to imitate the spelling and wting it hears. Boys and girls are learning forei languages all over the world.




3:简单有效省钱方法,The use of mobile phones has bught about social, medical and technical pblems. Do you agree that these pblems oueigh the benefits of mobile phones? Mobile phones (time) witnessed the boom of technolo at the end of the centy, bnging a sees of technological innovations, including mobile phones now. Some universities pvide students with the skills to them find jobs.

But some people think that the main function of universities should be to pvide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge. Do you think job ting has become a university What's yo opinion on one of the main pposes of education? Nowadays most universities tend to pvide vocational training to prepare students for their fute career. People are facing and work presse.

This paper expounds the possible cses of this phenomenon and puts forward some suggestions on how to deal with it. It is generally belid that both white-collar workers and blue collar workers are under the psychological and physical stress csed by the working envinment. This pblem is too big to be solved by a single country or individual.

In other words, we have reached a stage where the only way to ptect the envinment is at the international ll. In modern society, to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Ecological scientists, government agencies and the public all face envinmental pblems. The main ppose of public library is to pvide books.

They should not waste limited resoces and to pvide expensive high-tech media, such as comr sofare, video and DVD. Do you agree or disagree? People generally think that public library is a place with large amount of books. Howr, the digital era has given it a new means of information storage and reteval.




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