
发布时间:2024-01-19 18:30:12 阅读:42 点赞:0

关于”下雨天“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:rainy day。以下是关于下雨天专升英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:rainy day

One rainy day, the weather is very bad, my puppet exam failed, was scolded by the teacher. I'm sad becse I've ted my best and spent a lot of time doing exercise and things got worse. After class, it be to rain.

I stare at the gray sky, do not know whether to run in the rain, someone patted me on the shoulder, I immediately tned aund, found that my best fend did not say anything, he ile to give me the umbrella, feel very moved, very warm.





This morning, I woke up and found it started: my clock opened its eyes in horr. I found that there had been no rain outside, and the om was very dark becse it was raining outside. What a cold day it would be if I could lie in bed reading a favote book in the rain.

Howr, I had to go to work. Although I was in a hry for an ho, there were fewer people on the ad than before. Many people were struggling with an umbrella, which was always blown down by the wind.

Fortunately, I was weang a raincoat, and a few yards away, a policeman was on the ad directing traffic. I have great respect for his seousness. I thought about today's plan for a while, and then, my busy day in my office be.





I like rainy days. The dbbling rain in the rain makes me really want to play hide and seek and fends. I want to dance in raindps and dzzles.

I also want to take my bike to dzzle. It will be refreshing and exciting (^ ^ ^).



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