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关于”创业还是就业“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Entrepreneship or employment。以下是关于创业还是就业四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Entrepreneship or employment

Eda5e6baaf instruction: for this part, you have a few minutes to wte a paper. Suppose you have o choices after graduation: one is to find a job somewhere, the other is to start yo own business. You have to make a decision to wte an article to explain the reasons for yo decision.

You should wte at least one word, but not than one word to undergraduate students, and decide what to do after graduation It's a tough decision. At least fm my point of view, I prefer entrepreneship. My choice can be attbuted to the following o dving forces.

On the one hand, I want to start a business bee I like to do what I like to do in my own business. I will be passionate to plan, orize and implement my favote pjects. On the other hand, I can accumulate ch expeence, which is not only for solving pblems Value is also very important to career dlopment, and the sk of faile is real.

What is important is the lessons learned. When college graduates decide their next step in life, ryone has no ght or wng choice, but each student must come to his own conclusion+.




In my opinion, if graduate students start their own businesses or look for jobs, becoming an employee is far less ideal than owning an enterpse. It is undeniable that entrepreneship involves sks and requires hard work and determination. It can pduce a greater sense of satiaction and achiment.

Only when a person is willing to take sks, can he not imagine the glory of not taking sks. Even if his business is not succesul in the end, he can learn fm his mistakes. The expeence of starting a business is far better than that of the white-collar class.

Howr, there are many college students who choose to start their own business instead of looking for a job after graduation. The government encoages this practice and pvides many preferential policies for college students Howr, why so many college students embark on the ad of entrepreneship? College students are facing a sre employment situation. Many college students can not find ideal jobs and have to start their own businesses.

Some ambitious college students are not satiied with being employed by others. They want to dlop and pve their talents and politi thugh entrepreneship The government's encoagement and the media's reports on College Students' entrepreneial stars have stimulated college students' entrepreneial enthusia. For me, entrepreneship is a good choice, but entrepreneship is a very difficult business, which requires firm determination, clear mind and the ability to bear hardships and stand hard.

Therefore, a feasible pject should be carefully considered and fully prepared before you decide to start a business.



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