温暖的英语单词_Warm words 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-02 13:10:47 阅读:131 点赞:0

关于”温暖单词“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Warm words。以下是关于温暖单词初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Warm words

Lily is an excellent student. She is always praised by others. Every parent wants to know how her mother educates her.

Her mother tells us that she nr sets any goals for her, but she always inspires lily to do what she wants to do. Even if she makes mistakes, the key to cultivating interest is the most important factor leading to success.




The reason why the world is betiful is not only becse of the betiful scenery, but also becse of the warm stoes beeen people, that is love, which is the eternal theme of , so that we can live in a harmonious envinment. We appreciate the theme of love and are moved by the warm behavior many years ago. According to news reports, a woman donates a lot of money to the school ry year, and she doesn't use her real name.

Her behavior has moved many people. Everyone wants to know her name, but she refused the media interview today. When people talk about her, they praise her with her code name and name As a good person, there are so many warm little actions aund us, such as taking care of the elderly or ptecting the envinment.

Love is passed down fm generation to generation, which makes today's world a better place. When a poor person is seously ill, we can better see the positive le of the neork thugh the positive le of the neork.




In my opinion, money is not rything. On the one hand, we can't deny that money is useful. We need money to buy food or house or pay for o education.

Money can make us live comfortable. For example, with money, we can others, participate in social activities, receive good education, so as to increase o knowledge and dlop o skills.



标签: 我的世界英文名 

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