探索海洋的重要性英语作文_The importance of exploring the ocean 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-29 12:32:42 阅读:7954 点赞:0

关于”探索海洋重要“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The importance of explong the ocean。以下是关于探索海洋重要专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of explong the ocean

Among all the important human skills, social skills are considered to be the most important skills in the information age. In all walks of life, communication with others plays an important le. No wonder many students are trying to impve their social skills.

Common sense tells us that those who are succesul in love usually have excellent social skills. They are good at building a peaceful relationship with their partner. This is a natal result.

In love, so is family life. Good social skills are necessary to maintain good relationships beeen family members and bng happiness to family life. Secondly, statisti show that a person's career success largely depends on his or her social skills.

Pfessional skills are necessary, but without good social skills, a good team is hard to imagine, which will undouedly hinder the full dlopment of pfessional skills Wave. If we want to live a happy life and succeed in o career, many talented people and people with high academic dlopment ll will ntually get nothing becse of poor social skills. We must impve o social skills, such as communication skills at the emotional ll, skills in dloping and using interpersonal relationships, etc.





Communication is the activity of tranitting information thugh the exchange of ideas, information or information. There are many ways of communication, such as language, vision, sial, text or body language, which play an important le in human social life. Some people think that this is the basis of human svival.

On the one hand, it is the basis of human svival. It disseminates information so that we know that although news is far away fm us, thugh communication with others, people send and oain information to us understand o sundings We all know that information is extremely important in o life. On the other hand, communication establishes interpersonal relationship.

It connects different people. We live in the same society, which makes interpersonal relationship indispensable in o life. Only thugh communication can we establish and maintain good interpersonal relationship with others.

In addition, communication can eliminate misunderstanding and pmote emotion. When we have misunderstandings with others, timely communication is the most important. The only effective way to solve this pblem is that communication is essential to all people and ryone should realize it.

Therefore, we should learn how to communicate effectively with others.





EQ means emotional intelligence. In other words, EQ is a kind of ability to ma one's own emotions and others' emotions, which is very important to ryone's life. People with high EQ are always good at communicating when others need .

They can always give their own suggestions becse they can think in their own way, so people nd like to communicate with them. In addition, those with high EQ are not likely to have conflicts with others. They do not speak directly.

Unlike the mild way that people are easy to accept, they can sensitively know what to say and what to do. On the contrary, they have less conflicts, becse other people's high EQ s them better live in this society.



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