
发布时间:2023-04-26 11:59:34 阅读:657 点赞:0

关于”我是一个富裕人“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:I am a ch man。以下是关于我是一个富裕人专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I am a ch man

In many parts of the world, it's not easy for a woman to catch a ch man, but in China, it's an acquired art, which can be learned in class. On the wall is a book called "marry the ght person," Shao Tong. A relationship consultant fm a Beijing company rals how to understand a ch face.

"When you see him for the first time, you should pay attention to his left face, becse it shows his real personality," Shao said. "And the ght face is what we call" social face "; for traditional Chinese, face is the window of the soul. Ms.

Shao is working for Deyun nuxueguan The school for Deyu Nuxueguan), a little bit "knowing who he is on the first date, will give you the ultimate victory," she said. Rich Chinese men may be good at judging businesen and trading, but they don't have a very pfessional understanding of women. When they date, they tend to observe their prey quietly at dinner, Shao explains, "they'll observe yo way of eating, you Order the food and yo communication with the waiter to determine whether you are a wife's mateal, "she said." no matter what happens dung dinner, you must keep calm.

"; Some of his students, aged fm to, were told by Ding Zhenyu, a consultant with their company that they want to marry ch people, there are now billies in China than in any other country except the United States. Fast facts: changing marage concepts.


在世界上许多地方,要钓到一个有钱人并不容易,但在,这是一门后天习得艺术,可以在课堂上学习;墙上着一叫《嫁对了人》书《邵童》,北京一家公司关系顾问透露了如何读懂一张富有脸。“当你第一次见到他时候,你应该注意他左脸,因为它显示了他真实个,”邵说,“而右边脸就是我们所说‘社交脸’”;对于思想传统人来说,脸是心灵窗户邵女士正在为德宇纽学观公司(Deyun Nuxueguan company)兜售自己第二眼界——“贤淑淑女学校”(school for Deyu Nuxueguan),有点“第一次约会就知道他是什么样人,这会让你获得最终胜利,”她说,富有男人可能擅长评判商人和交易,但他们对女了解却不那么专业他们约会时,他们倾向于在晚餐时安静地观察猎物,邵解释说:“他们会观察你饮食方式、你点食物以及你与服务员交流,来判断你是否是妻子料,”她说,“无论晚餐期间发生什么事,你都必须保持冷静”; 他一些学生,年龄在岁到,被他们同一家公司顾问丁振宇(音)说,想要嫁给有钱人,如今亿万富翁比除以外任何国家都多。《快速事实:改变婚姻观念》。


He is a humous man who has bught us a lot of fun. He is also a kind-hearted man who has donated dreds of millions of pounds to Afcan refugees. As we all know, Mr.

bienlon Atkinson had the highest reputation in comedy. He was a doctor, graduated fm Oxford University, and he grew old over time, but he did rything. I'm a real artist, and I learned a lot fm Mr.

Baines's expeence. We should be good people, love the world we live in and each other. So in my daily life, I should try my best to each other and try to be a useful and honest person in the fute.





If I were a blind person, I would like to be like Helen's tumphant music, hoping for three days of light for me. If Sheng ly only gave me three minutes of light, I would not complain about his prejudice, becse for me, three minutes is enough. I am se I regret the last minute.

I be to worry about the beginning of feeling too little time and feel less. I waited calmly for the remaining half minute I want to run out of the cordor and cry into the distant sky: I shouldn't be blind when I lgh at me. I shouldn't be blind.

I must have a pair of bght and colorful eyes that can see you crying at me ry day.



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