
发布时间:2023-04-22 12:30:43 阅读:176 点赞:0

关于”做义工好处“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The benefits of volunteeng。以下是关于做义工好处专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of volunteeng

When I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a policeman, but my parents always said it was a dangeus job. My uncle and unty n told me that one of their police fends was seously injed at work. Since then, I have nr mentioned to them that I want to be a policeman, but I still think I am a policeman and have cght a lot of this.

One of my dreams is that I found a thief who wanted to run away, but in the end I found him. People just showed me a look with respect. I am not afraid of anything.

I can deal with rything in life. I work hard for my dream. I am confident that I will Come and study in police school.




2:志愿服务好处,The first time I volunteered to plant trees and paint my house, my first volunteer expeence was an unforgettable memory of my life. It lasted five days. We went to another city to people rebuild their homes.

Hcane Katna destyed rything in the city. They were very grateful to see us really rebuild. We lived in a chch.

In the last o days, they made us plant nearby very much More trees. It's a challenging job becse we haven't been to trees before, but ryone loves the pcess becse we've all learned something new and we're glad we can others. In addition, we ed a family repaint their house.

It was an interesting expeence. Apart fm the pain in o arms at the end of the day, volunteeng is a very interesting and interesting expeence. We can not only try to do something we have nr done before, but also learn to give back to society.

There are a lot of people who need to them belong to o community, It should not be iored, so we should them for free.




3:做义工好处,As we all know, being a volunteer is good for o society. In my opinion, volunteeng has many advantages. First of all, it s us understand society and cultivate o thoughts.

Secondly, it makes o life colorful. We will be pud of what we have done. We can learn the spit of serving the society.

Howr, ry coin has o sides. As a student, o ener is limited. If we spend too much time on volunteer , we can't concentrate on o study and waste precious study time.




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