
发布时间:2023-12-01 15:00:16 阅读:124 点赞:0

关于”我择偶标准“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My mate selection ctea。以下是关于我择偶标准专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My mate selection ctea

If you put things off too long, it's easy to get worse. The longer you wait for the pblem to be solved, the difficult it is to solve it. Don't waste time thinking about how difficult things are.

Just accept the advice in this article. Anyone who postpones what can be done today to tomorw will always find excuses to delay doing something. In the end, things will nr be completed if I We don't do things, we make them worry, it's going to cse stress.

Therefore, if you have this bad habit, you'd better get d of it and do things as soon as possible.




2:我择偶标准,There are many ctea for the important relationship beeen huand and wife, such as financial status, college education, personality, mutual love, politeness, coage. When choosing a spouse, many people may choose one of them as their pmary goal, but I think similar values are the most important. We know that if a couple has similar values, they are likely to understand each other.

This means that there are few quarrels in marage. A couple with similar values may feel that, by the way, I don't think a person who values mateal conditions will find happiness as we all know. A happy marage is based on understanding trust and love.

Only o people with similar values ntually fall in love. I beli these mateal conditions will be thugh o efforts Acquisition, it is human nate, mate preference, similar values.




3:我择偶标准,First of all, I like a cheerful, cheerful and funny girl; secondly, she should be considerate, that is to say, she cares about others; thirdly, I hope she is not too talkative. I hate those chatteng girls, especially how great they are in the end. But equally important, if she also loves me, it will .





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