
发布时间:2023-01-27 09:20:44 阅读:1084 点赞:0

关于”对奢侈品看法“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Views on luxy goods。以下是关于对奢侈品看法专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on luxy goods

Extravat consumption is extremely harmful to the young generation, especially in the absence of pper guidance and education, schools must formulate new regulations to phibit students fm carrying luxy goods to school. In most cases, students can not afford these luxy goods, and these things are not their necessary equipment. Take life as an example, there is no need to bng expensive high-tech pducts to school The school is a place for learning rather than entertainment.

Moreover, if some students start to carry luxy goods with them, it may make those fm poor families feel uneasy and n feel infeor. This is not a wise pblem and will damage the atmosphere of the school. Howr, it is equally important to ense that students' pperty is well ptected, it is difficult for schools to put luxy goods in a safe place Fang, schools need to spend a lot of time and ener.

We can see that this is unreasonable. After all, schools are places for teaching and learning. It is reasonable and necessary for schools to formulate rules to prnt students fm going to school with expensive luxy goods.




2:对奢侈品看法,Walking in the campus, you will find that students' luxy is not far away, some wear CK clothes, some carry LV bags. According to an online svey conducted by Tencent in May this year, percent of students claim to have some luxy ckl, and the way to get luxy goods is very different. Some students get it fm their parents bee their families are in a good financial situation.

Some of them do part-time jobs and buy luxy goods themselves. For example, a college student named Xiaomei said she had been tutong for three months. In order to buy a bottle of Dior perfume, some people got luxies as gifts for fends or relatives.

I object to students using luxy goods. As we all know, luxy goods are expensive, but students are not economically independent, they should pay attention to learning. In this sense, it is not apppate for students to use luxy goods.





3:对奢侈品看法,This strate can be tranerred to the neork virtual envinment, and is most effective in the case of focusing on brand personality. Crently, a considerable number of online luxy consumers are busy pfessionals. They want to enjoy the convenience of online shopping in a busy schedule.

Therefore, they hope that relaxed atmosphere, sound and music can meet this demand. Chanelcom meets this demand again by pviding instrumental music with backgund rhythm in the pduct exhibition page. Mell is a kind of challenging human consciousness, which is tranerred to the virtual envinment of the Internet.

But technological pgress has made it possible for online consumers to shop online. A ell fusion sofare called digiscent can now be realized thugh a loudspeaker like device on the comr. Luxy brands can use this device to sell pducts that rely heavily on ell, such as Perfume and coeti.

The lack of online olfactory elements can also be overcome by pviding pduct samples to interested online stores. Just like offline stores, the first pchase of scentbased pduct usually leads to regular pchase in the fute, bee it is associated with sent, and the possibility of repeated online pchase of scentbase pducts is high. Perfume can also be recalled easily, and it is difficult to establish links with specific odors.

Howr, scalability is the backbone of a website, and it s an online expeence thugh vitality and interactivity. It is also a basic element of a high impact expeence, a great contbution to the luxy online envinment. Consumers expect reliable and fast , while adding value to their online expeence thugh a high ll of interactivity, using navigation tools such as bread cru, full screen mode and new window tools, as well as a vaety of pgram options, such as adobe Acbat or word versions of samedocument not only make the bwsing expeence easy, but may also encoage bwsers to click on multiple pages on the site.

Spsingly, sral luxy brands such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Dior and Jimmy Choo do not offer ecustomer.




消费者期望可和快速服务,同时,通过高水平交互,利用面包屑等简单导航工具,为他们在线体验增加更多价值,全屏模式和新窗口工具以及多种程序选择,如Adobe Acbat或Word版samedocument不仅使浏览体验轻松,而且可能鼓励浏览器点击网站上多个页面。令人惊讶是,Gucci、Louis Vuitton等多个奢侈品牌,Dior和Jimmy Choo不提供ecustomer。

标签: 女孩英文名  宠物英文名  E开头英文名 

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