
发布时间:2024-02-09 06:25:00 阅读:41 点赞:0

关于”健康food“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Healthy food。以下是关于健康food初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Healthy food

In recent years, China's food industry safety pblems occ frequently, which makes people wored and lose confidence. Food safety is related to the people's health, safety and the healthy dlopment of the economy. It is a major issue of national stability and social dlopment since the Sanlu incident, which has attracted and attention of the whole society The pblem has been raised to an unprecedented height.

The main pblems of food safety are as follows: the use of infeor raw mateals, the addition of toxic substances, the excessive use of food additives and the abuse of chemical additives in the pcess of food pduction. The regulatory thoties, pducers and n consumers should share the responsibility of the whole society and stve to avoid the health and safety of food safety pblems.




We should eat healthy food. Now many students don't like to have lunch at school becse they think it's unwise. They often go outside the school to buy some snacks they like.

In my opinion, some food is harmful to their health, so in order to keep healthy, you can't eat junk food. If you eat too many snacks ding meals, you will be very fat. I suggest that students who eat snacks outside school eat healthy food to keep their diet healthy.





Healthy habits this week, I am very unhappy, becse I feel tired and weak, yesterday I had a fr, my father and I went to the hospital, the doctor gave me some medicine, and advised me, "you should dnk as much water as possible, then, you should have a good rest." I think healthy habits can me get good grades and learn better. In order to do sports ry day, I can't eat junk food or dnk coffee. I will eat a lot of vegetables and fruits ry day.

I will go to bed on time and go to bed ry night.



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