
发布时间:2024-02-01 13:56:28 阅读:242 点赞:0

关于”与朋友发生不愉快“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Having an unpleasant affair with a fend。以下是关于与朋友发生不愉快xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Having an unpleasant affair with a fend

What happened to us last week? My best fend Tina pmised to go to the cinema with me. I bought o tickets and waited for her in the cinema hall. What time does the film start in the afternoon.

Howr, she didn't show up. Even if I called her in the afternoon, she didn't answer the phone. I was very disappointed.

I went to see the movie alone for a few hos. Two hos later, I checked my phone number and didn't call at all. She disappeared without a reason.

There was no message or phone call. I was very unhappy when I went home alone. I said to myself, maybe this fendship is the first one At the end of the next day, I went to the classom.

When she was away, I be to worry about her instead of blaming her. In order to make me stand up, I asked all the people who knew her. One of her relatives told me that she had a car accident yesterday and was hospitalized, which spsed me.

I immediately asked for leave to go to the hospital. I saw her finally lying in bed sleeping, injecting liquid medicine, I don't want to hear her say sorry, but I hope she can recover as soon as possible, becse she always said that fends who share weal and woe are indeed things that happen beeen us, and make o fendship stnger than before. We have learned how to forgive and chesh.





2:与朋友有不愉快外遇,May 1st is a Sunday. It's labor day. My mother said to me: open yo eyes and look out the window.

Let's go to the park. So my mother, my clasates and I went to the park. We took some food fm o schoolbag on the way to the park.

I saw blue sky and white clouds, I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. There were sral kinds of flowers on the trees. They were colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, pple, orange and white.

I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, bananas and lollipops. They were wonderful in the afternoon.

We went to the zoo. I visited birds and mice Cat, dog, part, hamster, rabbit, etc. may day is my favote day.





3:与朋友发生不愉快,My fend, I have many fends, but I have only a few good fends. One of them is my best fend. We are all

12 years old.

He is fat and tall. He likes to eat oranges and meat. He is very frank and geneus.

We always each other. He is a good boy. He likes playing football and basketball.

I like playing with him becse I can learn a lot fm him. He always thinks of intelligence Answer the questions that we usually play together after school in the afternoon. He is very interesting.

Sometimes he tells me some interesting stoes, but sometimes he sets a trap for me. After all, we play very well, but sometimes we fight each other. His goal is to become a math teacher.

He lives in Linshan, I live in Xiangshan, but we are good fends.



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