我的校园英语作文_My campus 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-02 02:37:20 阅读:153 点赞:0

关于”我校园“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My campus。以下是关于我校园初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My campus

Time flies, colorful junior high school life is coming to an end, I'm glad to tell you something about my school life when I was six years old, I started school as a student, and I have been studying hard. My parents are pud of me now, I study in Wucun middle school, which is not only modern but also betiful. The teachers in my school are so kind and diligent, and I love them all very much O teachers regard o students as their own children.

They are stct with us and stct with o work. I get along well with my clasates. Whenr we have difficulties in learning, we each other.

I have many hobbies, such as dancing, singing, reading books and sports. I especially like basketball. It makes me arter and s me learn faster and better.

So I am very happy with basketball It impved my life in this way. My school life is full of happiness and fun. Although we have some new challenges ry day, I will try my best to meet them.


时光荏苒多姿多彩初中生活即将结束,我很高兴告诉你一些我学校生活 当我xx岁时候,我从一个学生开始上学,我一直在努力学习我父母为我感到骄傲 现在,我在五村中学学习,这不仅现代而且美丽我学校老师是如此善良和勤奋,我非常爱他们所有老师都把我们学生当作自己孩子,他们对我们严格要求,对工作严格我和我同学相处得很好每当我们在学习上有困难时,我们互相帮助我我有很多兴趣爱好,比如跳舞、唱歌、看书和运动,我特别喜欢篮球,它使我变得更聪明,帮助我学得更快更好,所以我用这种方式改善了我生活。我学校生活充满了快乐和乐趣尽管我们每天都有一些新,但我会尽我所能去迎接它们。


On the first day of school, I was very nervous, but when I saw the campus, I felt relaxed. There were so many trees and flowers nd the school. It was like a garden.

It was very comfortable. Now I will walk nd the school and enjoy its bety. I like my campus very much and I am pud of it.



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