
发布时间:2023-06-05 08:30:40 阅读:130 点赞:0

关于”人美丽“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The bety of human nate。以下是关于人美丽xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The bety of human nate

Last night, I watched a movie about o agers who had cancer. But the boy had a positive attitude towards life, while the girl held a negative attitude towards life. So the girl was influenced by the boy.

She be to see the betiful things in her life. I was moved by the film. Although the ending of the film was not so perfect, we saw the woman The theme of the film is to tell people to face life positively.

No matter what happens, n if it's bad luck, they still need to ile ry day. People need to find the bety of life, so they won't live without meaning.




2:人之美,Betiful life last night, I watched a movie about o agers who had cancer. But the boy had a positive attitude towards life, while the girl held a negative attitude towards life. Then the girl was influenced by the boy.

She be to see the betiful things in her life. I was moved by the film. Although the ending of the film is not so perfect, we can see it The theme of the film is to tell people to face life positively.

No matter what happens, n if they get miortune, they still need to ile ry day to find the bety of life, so that they will not live meaninglessly.




3:人美丽,If she is very likely, her life will be different, but she has a kind of sensitivity and bety, which has nothing to do with her appearance. Her words are easy to remember. Her words come fm a ht but loving heart, much like all hearts, but she has needs to realize this.

In order to coexist with and learn fm it, she has a keen sense of bety The only fear in life is the loss of a fend. How long does it take most of us to reach the ll of human gwth? If we get there, we will become so thin and worry about all the things that need to be impved. It is easy for us to forget to chesh those eternal fendship.

It is so precious and betiful that we only need o care and n wte a all piece of paper occasionally The essence of her life is to see things beyond the ace. She finds bety and elece. They become fends with her and show her what is real//.



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