
发布时间:2023-11-25 06:40:10 阅读:43 点赞:0

关于”debate看法“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Debate view。以下是关于debate看法xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Debate view

Today's interesting debate is Sunday ning after dinner, my father, my mother and I went to the park. After a while, I sat in the back seat of my father's bicycle. My father said, "girl, you should lose weight." my mother agreed with my father's opinion, but I didn't think it was bad for me.

So I said, "no, I don't want to be myself. Do you know the famous Hong Kong actress Fei Fei Fei? She's fat, but she's popular with the dience. "But very few fat people become famous," my father disagreed with me, and my mother continued, "you know, a lot of diseases are csed by obesity, such as heart disease, high blood presse and so on." it seems that I have o vals, and I should try my best to beat them, so I quibbled, "there's nothing to worry about, medical technolo is so advanced," and then I pointed the finger at it To mother, "you are so fat, why don't you lose weight?" "I'd love to, but it's not good for me.

I'm in my forties, and you're so young. If you can exercise and contl yo diet, you'll lose weight easily. "No, you're very pud.

I'll say out loud." some experts say that exercise can't people lose weight becse they'll eat after exercise. " Dad and mom looked at each other and I didn't know what to say. I won the debate when I heard my father say, "fat dghter, please get out of the car." Oh, No.


今天有趣辩论是星期天晚饭后,,和我去公园,过了一会儿我坐在自行车后座上,说,“女孩,你应该减肥”同意意见,但我认为这对我不坏,所以我说,“不,我不想成为我自己,你知道著名女演员Fei Fei吗?她很胖,但很受观众欢迎。“但是很少有胖人能成名,”不同意我观点,接着说,“你知道,很多疾病是由肥胖引起,比如心脏病,高血压等等“看来我有两个对手,我应该尽力打败他们,所以我就狡辩道,“反正没什么好担心,医疗技术发展得这么先进”,我把矛头指向,“你也这么胖,为什么不减肥呢?”,“我很想这样做,但这对我不好。我已经四十多岁了,而你这么年轻,如果你能多做运动,控制饮食,你很容易减肥”“不,你很荣我大声说”一些专家说运动不能帮助人们减肥,因为运动后他们会吃更多东西。



2:辩论观点,An engineer, a physicist and a mathematician are trying to build a fence for some sheep, but their building mateals are limited. The engineer first builds a square fence and uses mateals to reason, which is a good solution. "No, no," the physicist said, "there's a better way." he fenced the fence aund, made a und pen, showed how it enclosed as much as possible with the given mateal, and then the mathematician said to others, "no, there's no better way." he went on his own week I built a little fence aund and announced, "I define myself as being outside.".



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