感恩父母的英语作文80词_80 words of gratitude to parents 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-14 10:09:30 阅读:201 点赞:0

关于”感恩父母80词“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:80 words of gratitude to parents。以下是关于感恩父母80词高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:80 words of gratitude to parents

I know that I am not a good child, I also know that I am not particularly art, poor learning, mother often quarrel, bad temper, but today, I become like this, you also have the responsibility, not you always let me be a person at home, I study hard to say, but when you o talk, I have many, many, many, also do not want to say, I just want to ask me, if not I was born in A fool's place, I will say, if I am not a fool, I will say, if I was not born in this fool's place, I will say I am a fool, if I am not in this place, I will say I am a fool, if I am not in this place, I will say I am a fool, if I am not in this place, I will say I am a fool with ambition, No, love "man is not self-respect and diity. You know, if these things ht than others, I don't care, but you are me. If I'm a fool, you still want me to abandon me.

I know that people are fake. But if we can be hypoctical all the time, I hope ryone can say that parents are the grea, but that's just a person. But some stoes make us feel great about oselves For example, the teacher is very good, it often appears in the story of the le, the reality and the number of people who point out is always arbitrary, has always been obvious to all, or sincerely convinced, but sometimes seeing is believing, but sometimes seeing is also false, asking, what is true, what mean, seeing and heang is empty, empty, heart sound is true, no one is se.




I think my parents are the most important people in my life, not bee they are ch or famous. What I value most is their care and love for them. My parents may work hard, but when I am in tuble and in gent need of , they are always by my side.

They are the first to support me and encoage me. I grew up with their constant care and love. Although they are gray haired and wnkled, they nr lose the diity of my parents in their life and work.

I realize that a person can really make a difference, Nr give up their concern and gratitude for love, which bngs great enchment to life. I hope they will always be happy and healthy. Now is the time for us to express o gratitude to the people we chesh.




Thanksgiving Day is the most thentic Amecan holiday in the United States. Immigrants or pilgms are closely related to the earliest history of the United States. They sailed to the United States on the Mayflower.

They landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts in the cold November. In their first winter, after o months of stormy weather, they wanted to find a place to have faith More than half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemi. The svivors be sowing in the first spng of the summer.

They were anxiously waiting for the harvest. They knew that their lives and the fute svival of the colony depended on the coming harvest. The yield of the last field exceeded people's expectation.

So they decided to establish a thank God in a few years' time The president of the United States announces the foth Thsday of November as Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving celebrations continue to this day, and the pattern of Thanksgiving celebrations has nr changed. Over the years, family dinner plans have been put on the table a few months in advance.

People will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and gs. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other kinds of food, cranberry juice and pumpkin. Among them, the best and most attractive are ast tkey and South Afca Melon pies are the most traditional and popular Thanksgiving food for many years.

It is agreed that dinner must be made nd ast tkey, stuffed with bread paste to absorb delicious fruit juice and barbecue. Howr, since Cooking vaes fm family to family and residential area, it is difficult to agree on the exact stuffing for Royal birds. Today's Thanksgiving Day, in any sense, is a national annual holiday in which Amecans of all faiths and backgunds will join together to sincerely express their geneus and devout thanks for the year and pray for continued blessing.



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