
发布时间:2023-10-28 05:50:41 阅读:46 点赞:0

关于”有关时尚小“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Little about fashion。以下是关于有关时尚小xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Little about fashion

Vodka, whiskey, gin, brandy, rum, tequila, lemon, lemon, Coca Cola milk, honey, soda water, iced Amecan blood, Mary Bnx, dolesvita, dry se flavored gin and soda gin and it's dry martini medium or perfect Martini sweet Martini Nei old-fashioned Porto flap by Scotch acid dver pck Tom Collins vodkatini (Gibson) grasshopper Taquila sunse Jack se paradise Pink Lady Black Velvet Belarusian Moscow Mule Margata Long Island Iced Tea.




2:对时尚知之甚少,Happy new year, ryone. I'm glad to see you here celebrating the coming of the new year. I'm glad to have Mr.

Williams and Mr. Richardson fm the United States. Once, an old man lived alone in a all town.

He was a good man. One day, a young man came to him and said, " me. I'm gry." the old man gave him some food with a ile.

Yonan ate the food. The next day, he left without saying "thank you". The same thing happened.

A week later, the next day, when the young man was the young man, he gave him some food When he wanted to leave, the old man stopped him. The young man thought for a moment and then asked, "do you want money? I have no money. " The old man said, "no, I don't want money.

I just want you to say," thank you. "The most important thing in life is to have a good fend. To be a good fend, we should first learn to care for others.

Then we should try o best to him, but we should also have some fends. We can't lie. This is what we should do.

To be a good fend and a good child, we can't lie to o fends and ryone. If we can do this, we must be good students. The best way to learn good English is to read messages, listen , wte words and speak .

If you have time, you will make great pgress. You can wte to foreiers, you can make fends with them, you can talk to yo fends or teachers dung yo break. When you go home, you can watch English speaking TV pgrams.

If you do this, you can learn English well.





3:有关时尚小,Fm the perspective of clothing history, it is a complex pblem that ten years of fashion are so close. Only after a trend has existed for sral years can we admit that it is not only a fad that has disappeared, but also deserves recoition in the histocal archives. Each of us regards o own clothing as something we have worn, a typical emotion of the society at that time.

The last decade of the last millennium is meaningful than the real world in the world. Many people lose interest in fashion becse it is necessary and important for their life. By the end of the centy, the business rules of leise work at home had become commonplace.

All aspects of life were dressed up and became acceptable retail clothing sales. Textile manufactung and stores were declining fm a less active and leise .




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