
发布时间:2023-04-30 09:11:36 阅读:93 点赞:0

关于”课题实施方案“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Implementation scheme of the 。以下是关于课题实施方案高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Implementation scheme of the

Dear March Alice, I'm glad to hear fm you. You want to know what's going on in Chinese schools now. Let me tell you about the past.

Education in the past forced us to take notes while listening to the teacher. We did all kinds of exercises, although it was already dinner After six o'clock in the afternoon, but we still have to continue to practice late at night, quality education makes o school life colorful. In order to dlop o ability, we often do research in class (study research sometimes one of us teaches oselves that we have vaous extraccular activities, such as singing, dancing, English corner, comr class, basketball and football are o favote sports in the ning.

We can watch the news on TV, do expements by oselves, and discuss o subjects. Make se o school life is and colorful and interesting. I wish you, Li Hua.





2:项目实施方案,One possible way we're going camping this summer, and I'm happy to make a plan for o team. First of all, we plan to climb mountains in the morning so that we can enjoy the fresh air and enjoy the betiful sunse. After that, we will hold a fruit picking competition beeen boys and girls, which will us get to know each other better, there will be a bonfire, and we can enjoy oselves by singing, dancing and telling stoes.

Isn't it great to share relaxation time with fends. We are looking forward to the summer camp becse we can forget the busy work in the school. I beli we will have a good time together.





3:课题实施方案,Exercise is a good way to keep healthy. Everyone wants to have a healthy life, but what should we do? Healthy diet and good rest may you, but you think we have forgotten a very important thing, that is exercise. I think ryone should exercise regularly, so that you will have a stng body.

If you exercise regularly, you will not So easy to get sick, you can do some sports, such as jogging, swimming or playing bton. It will make you healthy. Do you exercise ry day? Are you healthy enough? Please exercise ry day.



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