
发布时间:2022-11-16 10:28:53 阅读:98 点赞:0

关于”我小“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My mother is young。以下是关于我小高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My mother is young

Early in the morning, after my mother got up, my sister went out and bught a bunch of betiful flowers home. We said "Happy Mother's Day" to her and gave her flowers. Mother was very happy.

She said with a ile, how betiful the flowers are. Thank you. We told her that we should do all the housework for o dear mother.

At the beginning, she could have a day off. We were very excited about all the work we could do at home We found that the housework seemed endless. There were cooking, lndry, cleaning, shopping to do, dinner time, the kitchen seemed very busy, dad was salad, my sister was baking pie for dessert, I was washing ce and vegetables, and there were many other things to do.

Finally, dinner was ready, o hos behind the usual schedule. The food is not as good as my mother's family, my parents love it, and they are very pud of their dghter and son.




Little thief and his mother long ago, there was a mother and son who lived in the house where she worked hard ry day, but they were always poor. One day, her son stole his fend's bag. "Mom, what do you think of this bag?" his mother praised her son instead of scolding him for "looking good".

He stole a coat. She praised him again when he stole it a few years later As an , he stole the jewels and took them to his mother "Duomei". This time, she did not scold her son again becse he was elated by his mother.

One day, he be to steal expensive things. The police cght him before he put him in pson. He begged the police to see his mother.

They took him to her as soon as they saw her. He bit her earlobe“ Oh, what's the matter with you? " She finally scolded his son and said, "if you scold me like that when I stole the first bag," I can't be a thief, "she bke down as she watched her son go to pson." if I could tn back the clock, I'd scold him srely. "She regretted that she always spoke up to him, no matter what he did.




Becoming a new mother can be a stresul expeence. Even the most patient women have little sleep and little time for themselves, and many find them unsatiied and unhappy, but now researchers have raled a ten point action plan to young mothers get out of the doldrums. Advice includes saying hello to strangers and tning off TV, enjoy a delicious meal ry day, according to these steps, mothers should be able to live a full and contented life.

The study was conducted by online moms. "Studies have shown that mothers are the least happy in the first few years of raising their children becse they are stressed, overworked and socially isolated," said Sally Russell, co-founder of Netmums, an online support gup How can you count yo wish list with a ile? 10 things you like about yoself in a "happiness diary". It's easy for children to lgh ry day, so try to make them giggle, make a good tn, and let others have yo parking or yo partner Get a massage, get a pedice at home ry day, dnk a glass of wine or eat chocolate, halve yo TV viewing time, complete a task you've been pcrastinating on, say hello to strangers, ile and take care of the ell you planted.

When you plant seeds, you skip some actions, try to remember yo childhood rhymes, call or chat with fends, and think about fo things you really do If you want to ask them the time of the conversation, try to make an appointment with yo partner for an ho a week.



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