
发布时间:2024-02-08 01:17:49 阅读:46 点赞:0

关于”情书信“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Love letter。以下是关于情书信xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Love letter

The people I love, we say I love you almost ry day. Sometimes we whisper these words when we fall asleep at night, sometimes at the end of a phone conversation, or when we rush out of o house and kiss, it's always there, but sometimes we forget that ry time you hear me say these three words, we forget what they really mean. I want you to remember that they come fm the bottom of my heart.

I hope you remember, I love you, becse of rything you have, for rything I'm with you, I want you to remember that you are the best person I know. You are so lucky to have you in my life. I hope you remember that true love is eternal and there is no true love than my love for you.

I hope you remember that you are the most wonderful thing in my life. My dream comes true My fends and my love are wrapped by the people I love you.




Lawrence Stern said to miss Lacey, I'm going to steal it fm the world. A chatteng tongue can't tell me where I am. The echo is not so much a whisper of my hiding place as a sunny cottage on a mantic hill.

Do you think I'll leave love and fendship behind? They will not be my lonely companions, becse they will sit down and stand up with me. In my lovely form, we will be as happy and as o first parents in heaven. There will be om for dlopment in o retirement life before the great devil enters the indescbable good feelings, and will pduce the fruits of madness, jealousy and ambition It will always kill in the bud, let human storms and hcanes rag in the distance, desolate beyond the hozon of peace.

I saw a flower in December, and my wall of fendship ptected it fm the biting cold wind. No planet will affect us. Only those who are in charge of and chesh the swee flowers bless us, and we will build and plant them In o own way, simplicity will not be torted by art.

We will learn how to live. She will be o alchemist, melting all the good things in life into a healthy air. We will banish the gloomy family of worry and distrust fm o dwelling place, guarded by a kind and guarded God, and we will sing a chorus of Thanksgiving and joy.

Goodbye at the end of o pilgmage, and I will retn to a man who is distressed for yo society.




Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a girl deeply, but the girl's father didn't like him. He didn't want to see any fther dlopment of their love. The boy was eager to wte to the girl, but he was se that his father would read the letter first, so he wte a letter to the girl: the love I once expressed for you is no longer eternal, but my disgust for you is gwing.

Next time I see you, I don't n want to see you. I do nothing, just take my eyes off you, you nr expect I will marry you. O last chat was so bong that you shouldn't think it makes me eager to see you again.

If we get mared, I firmly beli that I will lead a hard life. I will nr live happily with you. I will devote myself to you, but not you.

No one is harsh, selfish, thoughtless and considerate than you. I sincerely want you to know that what I said is true. Please do me a favor to end o relationship.

Don't wte back to me. Yo letters are always full of unpleasant things. You haven't cared me sincerely for so long.

Please beli me. I don't love you any . Don't think I still love you.

After reading this letter, my father felt relid and relaxed She gave the letter to her dghter. The girl was very happy to read the letter. Her child still loved her deeply.

Do you know why? When she read this letter for the first time, she felt very sad, but she read it sral times. Finally, she found the key - only ry line should be read, that is, the first line, the third line, the fifth line, etc., until the end.




标签: 女孩英文名  女宝宝英文名  宠物英文名 

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