
发布时间:2023-12-29 08:52:04 阅读:27 点赞:0

关于”年龄怎么说“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What about age。以下是关于年龄怎么说托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What about age

In China, it is a tradition to respect the old and love the young, so in public places, the elderly enjoy poty. For example, on the bus, when children make mistakes, they sit in the seats for them, and their parents will ptect them for iorance. The elderly and the young seem to be special gups enjoying the poty.

But now many news reports have reported that the elderly and young people want to be on the basketball cot The public is very angry about the negative behavior csed by dancing and beating young people, and children who damage public pperty and are removed fm office. So they begin to think that past achiments are good behaviors worthy of o respect, not age, but an excuse to evade responsibility.




2:年龄呢,With the coming of the new year, Li Na has entered the Australian Open final for the third time, which is a great new thing for Chinese tennis fans. What a gloous thing Li Na is, she is older than an athlete, but she makes her legend. Some people have frustrated their age.

They think that age prnts their success. I want to say that age is an excuse. When people are young, they think that This is a good time for them to realize their dreams.

They are not afraid to do what they want to do. People should not be afraid of faile, becse they are too young, so they have the opportunity to start fm old age. People feel that they must be stable and can not lose, becse old age means it is difficult to start again.

Therefore, age is related to success. The younger, the easier to succeed, which is diculous. Age is not It is the factor that prnts people fm succeeding.

Only by their minds can we succeed. As long as we persist, no matter how old we are, we have seen many examples of old people. If we want to succeed, don't let age be yo excuse, we can succeed.




3:年龄怎么说,This year, there are many movies to commemorate the passing of young people. These films are very popular with the dience. Suddenly, the topic of youth has become a hot topic.

Many people collect symbols representing their youth. They recall their youth for the young, and they enjoy a good life. For the elderly, in my opinion, youth has nothing to do with age, We can enjoy o youth all the time.

The movie evokes people's memory. If people are active, they can always be young. When people get old, they don't need to look back on their memoes.

They can live like young people. They don't have to live like old people. When they are old, they think they are always young.

It reminds people to keep young heart.



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