
发布时间:2022-11-13 02:52:58 阅读:112 点赞:0

关于”夜间急诊医生“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Night emergency doctor。以下是关于夜间急诊医生专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Night emergency doctor

In Btain, people usually have a doctor near their home or in the town. This is the local doctor. You have to register with the doctor before you can make an appointment.

You usually have to fill out a form and check with the doctor. Yo family is usually registered with the same doctor. The doctors often work together and have the name of the place.

Their job is the doctor's operation. The government pays for the You can see a doctor for free.




Free medical care a medical certificate, a medical examination in a medical college, a doctor in the medical department, and a stethoscope is a kind of medical equipment in the internal medicine [sgical] ward of this hospital.




Dear doctors and nses, in this spng season, there are betiful flowers rywhere, but no one knows that an evil claw is reaching out to happy people. When bke out in Beijing, ryone was afraid to go out. But a gup of brave people went to fight against .

We know that you leave yo children at home alone, and you can't take care of them Gu's sick parents postpone yo wedding. Like a soldier, you go to the fnt line without consideng yo own safety and health. I don't know how to express my love for you.

I will study hard and let us fight together. We will be winners. Take care of yo love fm Li Tao.



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