
发布时间:2023-12-28 16:32:10 阅读:25 点赞:0

关于”写社区志愿者“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Wte about community volunteers。以下是关于写社区志愿者专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte about community volunteers

In recent years, voluntee has spread among the Chinese people, especially among the youth. According to the svey, there are actually about volunteers serving the Olympic Games. In China, and people become volunteers ry year.

Volunteeng has great benefits for people in need and for society. As we all know, the Olympic Games is a good example. Volunteers have played an active le in the Beijing Olympic Games without volunteers.

It is an arduous task to host this unprecedented Olympic Games. Therefore, we can say that it is these volunteers who have ensed the success of the Olympic Games as modern university students. We should learn how to participate in volunteer activities and learn how to How to do a good job in a team and how to impve o interpersonal and orizational skills are crucial to o personal gwth.

Therefore, we should seize this opportunity to learn and dlop vocabulary.




If you want to be a qualified volunteer, you must have the following basic requirements: good image, pminent knowledge structe, correct world outlook and values, correct position, correct attitude, good physical and mental quality. When facing emergencies, you should not panic. When you are a volunteer, you should have apppate mateal and spitual preparation, but you should also arrange yo own work, We can't let o work and volunteer work conflict, let alone if there's a conflict, the best choice for volunteeng.

After all, you're ready to face it nervously for a certain peod of time.




In recent years, the volunteer spit has been widely spread among the Chinese people, especially among the young people. Voluntary has great benefits for the people in need and the society. Taking the Wenchuan earthquake as an example, dreds of thousands of volunteers have played an active le in the Wenchuan earthquake stcken areas.

They have contbuted daily necessities and pvided medical and psychological for disaster relief. In addition, volunteer will volunteers to participate in volunteer themselves. Volunteers will be exposed to a new envinment.

They can learn how to work in a team, how to impve their interpersonal and orizational skills, and so on, which is very important for their pfessional dlopment as a university student. I sincerely hope ryone can join in the volunteer work Come on, this is not only good for o society, but also an opportunity for us to gw and learn.



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