
发布时间:2023-05-08 00:44:49 阅读:159 点赞:0

关于”新年里最难忘一件事“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The most unforgettable thing in the new year。以下是关于新年里最难忘一件事初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most unforgettable thing in the new year

I am the most unforgettable thing in my life. I have a lot of things, but this is the only thing that makes me unforgettable. I remember a time when it rained.

There was no class in the school. The it rained, suddenly, I found a dirty old man at o door. I guess he is a beggar.

I think he needs an umbrella. So I dug out an umbrella. But the umbrella was just bought for me by my mother, thugh him, not by him, My mood is very confused, I think this kind of person borwed must not be retned, so I took the umbrella back, I saw a worn-out raincoat, opened a look, there are many big and all holes, I think no matter what, this person like this, lend him also, lend this tten, I thw the raincoat to the old man, the old man saw the raincoat and lghed for a few days, I almost forgot to give it one“ One day when I came home fm school, I saw a red bag door with a raincoat in it.

Hey, this raincoat is not a raincoat for the old man. How could I come here? I opened the bag and filled all the holes in the raincoat. A piece of paper fell off.

I recoized it after a long time. It said, "thank you, little fend." I was very moved I know that people can't just look at o words that can't be bad.




2:新年最难忘事,This morning, for the first time, I tasted the taste of the la high-ener family education. I summoned up the coage to make this tp. I think after waiting at least an ho, I could do a good job by myself.

O conversation seemed to go oothly. When it came to wages, the man said, "how much do you want to earn per ho?" I thought about it and said, "well," it's gentle. "The women bke in," but I noticed that other teachers were just asking for a certain reward.

"I realized immediately that all my special advantages had fallen to a position that could not be iored. When it came to wealth, I could only leave the agreement by excluding unforeseen circumstances. Yes, I'm going On the way to hood, the bck and mortar world is not as popular as I beli.

I can only think in my own mind. Yes, I should put ry step into action in the fute. Fantasy is illusory.

My agenda needs to be step by step. I am se that one day the crent day will become what I have imagined now.




3:新年里最难忘一件事,Yesterday, my mother took me to the park. We took a bus. When the bus stopped at a bus stop, an old woman came.

My mother stood up and gave up her seat to the old lady. She told me that she likes to others becse she will be happy after ing others. I was very happy that day and I will always remember it.




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