
发布时间:2024-01-07 18:59:33 阅读:43 点赞:0

关于”祝贺汉语进步“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Congratulations on the pgress of Chinese。以下是关于祝贺汉语进步xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Congratulations on the pgress of Chinese

Social pgress is changing with each passing day, economic dlopment is faster and faster, people's quality of life is also constantly impving. Comrs have been populazed in o lives, bnging convenience to o lives. In the past 30 years, working people may not be human beings, but with the populaty of bots, human life is operated by comr hardware meases, and people can impve it with science and technolo Envinment, students' textbooks may also be comrs, rather than mere words.

I am looking forward to the fute and the convenience of life bught by technolo.




Who would disagree with the saying that "pgress is good". Without pgress, there will be no change. O economy, o living standards, or o health will not change.

We need pgress to keep o economy moving forward, new pducts need to be dloped, new s need to be d, but there is no pgress, o economy will not change without pgress, there will be no super without mal pducts fm all over the world. To impve o living standards, we need to impve. O families today are efficient and use less natal resoces, thanks to home building technolo Becse of the dlopment of textile manufactung, o education is perfect, which benefits fm the use of comrs and the Internet.

Pgress is needed to impve the health of the world's population. Without pgress, there will be no vaccine against allpox and other fatal diseases, and infant mortality will se. Thanks to pgress, o lives will be longer and healthier.

Pgress is a natal state. Without pgress, we will not evolve. O economy, o living standards and o health conditions will deteorate.

Who can deny pgress The pncipal's work is not as easy as I hope. I only hope that in the fute, I can learn fm my own leadership ability. I hope I can be as firm, fair and farsighted as my pncipal.


谁会不同意“进步就是好”说法,没有进步就没有变化,我们经济,我们生活水平,或者我们健康都不会改变。我们需要进步来保持经济向前发展新产品需要新服务需要创造而没有进步,我们经济如果没有进步就不会有变化,没有世界各地壁画产品就不会有超市‰提高我们生活水平需要进步我们今天家庭更加高效,使用更少自然资源这得益于家庭建造技术改进我们衣服更暖和,而且由于纺织制造业发展,我们教育更加完善,这得益于计算机和互联网使用。改善世界人口健康需要进步,没有进步就没有预防天花等致命疾病疫苗,婴儿亡率也会上升多亏了进步,我们生命更长久、更健康;进步是一种自然状态,没有进步,我们就不会进化,我们经济、我们生活水平、我们健康状况都会恶化谁能否认进步必要 校长工作并不像我希望那样容易,我只希望在将来,我可以借鉴自己能力我希望我能像我校长一样坚定,公平,有远见。


I have a good fend. When I was five years old, I knew her. She was my neighbor.

We became fends. We played together all the time last week. My fend took part in the women's basketball match.

She was good at basketball. So I encoaged her to join o school team. The team played well.

They came to the final yesterday. The was so wonderful. Finally, my fend Team won the first place, I am very happy, I plan to buy her a gift, Congratulations, I am pud of her, she inspired me, we also give each other encoagement, continue to move forward, we will always be good fends.



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