
发布时间:2023-05-14 10:35:18 阅读:105 点赞:0

关于”老师老师“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Teacher's teacher。以下是关于老师老师小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Teacher's teacher

Chstmas is one of the most popular festivals in many countes in the world. It is a Chstian festival to commemorate the birth of Jesus Chst. Most people celebrate this day in December.

There are many ways to celebrate Chstmas. Many families decorate Chstmas trees, whether real or not. Many workplaces hold Chstmas parties a few weeks before Chstmas.

Many people are in the holy land Take a day off before Chstmas and spend time with family and relatives. Activities include exchanging Chstmas gifts, attending Chstmas dinners, listening to Chstmas theme music or movies. Chstmas is a special day for children who receive presents and are looking forward to the arval of Santa Cls.

Many children beli that Santa Cls will pvide their children with Chstmas presents. Some children wte to Santa Cls a few weeks before Chstmas, asking for the gifts they want. Most Chstmas cards are exchanged beeen s and children.




2:老师老师,Today is teacher's day on September

9. A teacher was invited to give a lecte in o school. After 50 years of teaching, he won the gold medal awarded by the Ministry of education.

He devoted all his love to the students. Today, his speech moved us deeply. Many of his students came back to him.

Some people fm all over the country wte to him to express their love and thanks. The old man said it was the hst moment of his life.




3:老师老师,My English teacher is very special. Since the day she came, she has tght us in different ways. She said that we can talk in class.

What's , we can eat. She nr cares about the rules of class. Her teaching methods are effective.

We always get the first place in the exam. I hope one day I can become a teacher like her.



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