
发布时间:2023-01-09 00:36:52 阅读:423 点赞:0

关于”中发生泥石流采取措施“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Meases taken for debs flow in。以下是关于中发生泥石流采取措施高二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Meases taken for debs flow in

In Apl, a Richter earthquake occred in Yushu, Qinghai Pvince, csing heavy casualties. Maybe God wants to die Yushu, or you want to desty Yushu land. Too much pain, maybe too much focus on Yushu.

But I beli that Yushu will be an rgreen create, not destruction, and can withstand the of time. A few days after the earthquake, life is still walking on the clock, intermittent Yin Huaiyu is still flying. My hos, hos, hos, the best relief of life is now over, but we have not given up.

We beli in the last second of life. If we have ordered to stop, we will get d of all these things. "Everything will pass." I want these words to Yushu compatots.

I beli in o ability, we beli in a stng country, That will be Yushu rgreen tree. In the face of this disaster, let us hand in hand, hand in hand, overcome the gef, will be difficult to knock down.




The mountain area is the area where debs flow and human activities coexist. The effect of debs flow on mountain envinment is stng, and the impact of human economic activities on the envinment is also huge. The impact on debs flow is great.

Rainstorm is frequent. In order to desty the sface and desty the mountain envinment and human safety, human activities should follow the natal law and moderately open If o activities conform to the natal law, the debs flow disaster will be contlled and the economy and mountain envinment will dlop harmoniously.




It is said that Zhouqu has been hit by rainstorm and debs flow. We will sely overcome this disaster. I was shocked.

I was wondeng why so many bad things happened in China. The children lost their parents, the father lost the dghter, and the house completely destyed my clasates and my family. Many people nd me were very sad, but the disaster just happened.

Now the most important thing is o action after the disaster. We have noticed how quickly people respond to the disaster, such as the police, firefighters and college students. They go to Zhouqu to you.

You can see that ryone is digging for svivors, especially the young people. They are so brave in the rescue, which shows that they are no longer children. China is one Great country China has great people great people overcome difficulties China will not be defeated.



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