
发布时间:2023-02-10 02:12:10 阅读:117 点赞:0

关于”中美餐具差异“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Differences beeen Chinese and Amecan tableware。以下是关于中美餐具差异小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Differences beeen Chinese and Amecan tableware

The difference beeen China and the United States lies in the different teaching objectives of basic education in the o countes: = China's pmary education will dlop children's intelligence, with children's high score as the pmary goal. In the United States, the ppose of pmary education is only one: to cultivate children's creative attitude towards performance. A bad report card will make them subject to presse fm all sides Howr, most students have different views on China.

Knowledge: Education in China pays attention to the accumulation of knowledge and the cultivation of students' respect and thoty for knowledge, as well as the inhetance of knowledge and the construction of knowledge . The United States pays attention to the cultivation of students' practical ability to use knowledge The expansion and creation of knowledge express different knowledge attitudes: static and dynamic differences beeen Chinese education and Amecan education, which reflect the differences beeen the o static views of knowledge.




The Chinese said, "I'll pay the pce" Amecan go, "we'll pay each other." the Chinese said, "you flatter me" Amecan go, "thank you." the Chinese said, "thank you, I'll open Amecan go later." let's open "Chinese say," I'd like to go to the United States "and we'll go to China," the Chinese said, "let's catch up with the United States Chinese go, "let's keep 1." the Chinese say, "I want to find a job in the United States." the Amecans go, "we go to Afca." the Chinese say, "I have to do my homework all day." the Amecans go, "I text my fends." the Chinese say, "Oh, my God, they don't cut beef, they just make beef," the Chinese say, "they eat lettuce" Amecan food, "sweet." Heart, this is salad. "The Chinese say," why do you have Chstmas? "The Amecans say," why do you celebrate the Chinese new year? ".




Cultal differences beeen China and the United States, we may think that Chinese and Amecans are totally different people, not only in their appearance, but also in their culte. What are the cultal differences beeen China and the United States? Most Chinese families like to cook at home. When family members sit nd the table and eat in restaants, they share the dishes on the table.

Their eating method is the same. Howr, in the United States, only a part of Amecans eat with their families at home. For Chinese people, parting requires certain tuals and very supeor skills.

The Chinese feel that they must deliver Guests go as far as possible down the stairs to the street below, or possibly as far as the nearest bus stop. Any p is futile. You said that if you want to stop the host fm following us as soon as possible, don't bother me to see me off ry time you land.

They are just discomfort of having to run away after you better accept the inevitable facts. For the Amecan people, they just say goodbye and go back to other work. Another difference is, when you break up with someone, what do you say? Slowly, not goodbye or speed, but slowly say to the Chinese, which means be careful, watch yo step or some such ction, but literally, it means "slow down." Amecan and Chinese culte is answeng "hostess is in opposition to each other." an Amecan hostess, praised for her cooking skills, is likely to say, oh, I'm glad you like it.

I made it for you, not a Chinese host or hostess (usually the huand does fancy cooking, on the contrary, he apologizes for not giving you n a little bit of edible honor for pviding the ght dishes.




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