
发布时间:2023-04-25 13:43:47 阅读:103 点赞:0

关于”创作“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:a literary creation。以下是关于创作雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:a literary creation

Ishmael in Moby insomeyer is a lovely character. He plays the le of the ptagonist and narrator. He uses a complete personality to make up for the personality that he descbes widely in the whole book.

Ishmael is a person who seeks the best descption for inner peace. He is very satiied with himself when he is on the water. He likes to be a sailor very much The crew of the pekewood was joined to satiy his desire to retn to the sea, but it tned out that the special voyage he was going to set out on was not his suspicion, becse the ship was commanded by a crazy captain who was desperate to find the most civilized and intelligent man in the thick white whale story.




Today, I'd like to talk about my favote book Harry Potter. This book is about a magical world that is very different fm o real world. I like Harry very much becse he is very brave and kind.

I learned a lot fm Harry's story, such as how to face the challenges in daily life. Thank you.




This book is a very popular scholar of mine. He wte this book which is very enlightening. His father died and his mother had to work as a cook to support the family.

At that moment, people were exploited by the capitalist . When Boer saw the face of the dark society, he finally stood up bravely to fight against the darkness of society. Despite the difficulties, he put himself into the revolution.

He faced them bravely, so he finally passed thugh the difficulties and spent a blliant life. He once said: "my life and Eni have contbuted to the liberation of , the grea cse in the world." This sentence has always been my motto, which inspires me to work harder. There is no dou that steel is my favote literary work.




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