
发布时间:2022-11-30 13:52:00 阅读:144 点赞:0

关于”我会做是“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:What I'll do is。以下是关于我会做是xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What I'll do is

What else can I do? Although I am still a child, I can do a lot of things in my study. I should work harder and harder. I should have a dream in my heart and stve to realize it in my daily life in the fute.

I can my mother do housework, accompany my elderly grandparents, and I can participate in some social activities to dlop my skills. I can do a lot of things, my seat ght The motto is "do well, do ght".




I looked at Frank and saw the tears running down his cheek, and Frank said again, "guys, you don't know what I'm going to pay for getting my dad to kiss me on the cheek again, feel his ugh old face, ell the sea water on his body, feel his arm aund my neck, I wish I were a man, if I were a man, I would be a man, I would be a man Nr tell my dad I'm too old to kiss him goodbye.




If I am a head, I am just a fend of my boyfend and girlfend. For a head, the most important thing is to educate students to love o country. I will orize a sees of activities to let o students understand the histocal and cultal achiments of o country and make them pud of being Chinese.

I want to let my students understand one thing, that is, to be good at learning First of all, you should be a good person, you should have enthusia, diligence, punctuality) determination and pfessionali. In addition, I will intduce some western education methods to my school. I will try my best to make o school the best in the country, the best in the world.



标签: 女孩英文名  宝宝英文名  宠物英文名 

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