
发布时间:2023-06-04 00:39:02 阅读:58 点赞:0

关于”袭击“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:a spse attack。以下是关于袭击初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:a spse attack

According to the report of the Department of civil affairs of Guangdong Pvince, nearly hozontal tderstorms and heavy rainfall occred in some towns of Dongguan City, followed by hail weather, which killed 9 people. According to the report of Fujian Pvincial Department of civil affairs, a short-term storm occred in Xiadao Town, Yanping Distct, Nanping City, ing a ferry ship to sink in the early morning of May, and the death toll was ed by 3:00 am Need to fther vefy the statisti, lack of (specific number is still in fther vefication).




In a vast grassland, there is a tall tree with grass below. The sun s golden in the sky. After a few days of sun, dark clouds appear in the sky, and the accumulated clouds become thicker and thicker until the sky is covered by the gund, and the dark clouds are like demons.

One day, when the night wind blows the whole tree, Fear seemed to pve his great power.




According to reports, the southern Oklahoma City of was hit by a tornado with wind speed of up to km / h on the afternoon, ing large-scale damage, many buildings were destyed, and large blocks were destyed. CBS Radio reported that the Oklahoma legal and medical office confirmed that the tornado ed at least death, including sral students, bee located in the There are o pmary schools in Moore in the tornado area. One of the pmary schools was directly hit by the tornado.

According to local media reports, when the tornado hit, there were about students in the school ditoum. But after the tornado, the of of the pmary school disappeared and the walls collapsed. Rescue workers are still searching thugh the ruins, hoping to find trapped children.

A fire bke out in parts of Oklahoma City Hall office building. In Iowa, where water and power are cut off, tanado has also been attacked. Minnesota and Kansas were oginally alondo krakhoma, and were suffeng fm tornado weather at that time, but Oklahoma is the most seous state at present State.

According to the meteological department forecast, sral counties have declared a state of emergency, and there may be another tornado in mei.



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