
发布时间:2024-04-14 18:11:25 阅读:7 点赞:0

关于”科技利弊“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of science and technolo。以下是关于科技利弊专八英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of science and technolo

A story different fm ordinary schools starts here. This is the story of Haruki Suzuki. When he entered school, he announced, "I have no interest in ordinary people.

If there are aliens, creates fm the fute, gliders, or Superman, come to see me, that's rything." natally, any normal person will think "what", but Haruhi is a very seous person, when ryone is When you realize how seous she is about all this, and build "SOS Dan," things get crazy. Suzumiya Haruhi is a betiful high school girl. She has a clear mind, nghty character and self-centered idea.

She has an unimaginable great power to change the world, but she does not know her own power at all, so she does not know the influence of her power on the external world. This is a pleasant, strange and interesting story.


一个与普通学校不同故事从这里开始这是一个铃木春树故事,他在入学时宣布,“我对普通人没有兴趣,如果有外星人,来自未来生物,滑翔者,或超人,来看我,那就是一切”自然,任何一个正常人都会想“什么”,但Haruhi是个非常严肃人,当每个人都意识到她对这一切有多认真,并建立了“SOS Dan”时,事情就会变得疯狂起来。Suzumiya Haruhi是一个漂亮高中女生,她有一个头脑清晰,格顽皮,自我中心想法,她有一种难以想象巨大力量来改变世界,但她完全不知道自己力量,所以她也不知道自己力量对外部世界影响,这是一个令人愉快、奇怪、有趣故事。


The rapid dlopment of science and technolo has bught great changes to human life. The great benefits bught by this pgress are welcomed in ry corner of the world. New electnic devices make o life r than r.

New inventions us orize o daily activities. O work can be completed faster. QQ makes it easier for people to communicate with others.

The Internet makes it easier for us to communicate with others We can better understand and understand other cultes and societies. Howr, the adverse factors of this dlopment can not be iored. Some scientific inventions have n csed great harm or disaster to human beings.

Advanced technolo is easy to be manipulated by irresponsible people. In addition, when technolo fails, we rely too much on it, and sometimes we are less. It will affect o health and lifestyle (we will be complacent and lazy, chemicals may cse harm, and n worse, science and technolo will n desty o and healthy life (sometimes we will miss the traditional way of life.

In addition, the emergence of new technologies may violate o pvacy. To sum up, human beings must be alert to possible hazards while enjoying the benefits.




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