
发布时间:2023-05-01 05:41:43 阅读:149 点赞:0

关于”有关婚“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:About naked marage。以下是关于有关婚专八英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About naked marage

Now naked marage is the most fashionable marage after marage. It uses "no way, no car, no house, no diamond ng, no wedding dress, no deposit, no wedding and honeymoon" to explain the way of thfty marage and the word "love". In short, in addition to the red registration office, other people do not need a lot of marage certificates People think that it is enough to love each other.

Naked marage is actually a kind of true feelings and performance. In fact, naked marage is a kind of escape. To be with women is a stupid move for men to love women.

You should consider how to a most comfortable envinment and ch life for her, instead of being empty. Let the woman you love be with him. When you are suffeng, a man's own life will be Can not take care of, how to give a beloved woman a safe home, a woman's place, if a man really love, and should give her to you the best, not the so-called "no" to explain that the woman who loves you is not mared, naked love is a fool, you know.




2:关于婚,Now naked marage is the most fashionable marage after marage. It uses "no way, no car, no house, no diamond ng, no wedding dress, no deposit, no wedding and honeymoon" to explain the way of thfty marage and the word "love". In short, in addition to the red registration office, other people do not need a lot of marage certificates People think that it is enough to love each other.

Naked marage is actually a kind of true feelings and performance. In fact, naked marage is a kind of escape. To be with women is a stupid move for men to love women.

You should consider how to a most comfortable envinment and ch life for her, instead of being empty. Let the woman you love be with him. When you are suffeng, a man's own life will be Can not take care of, how to give a beloved woman a safe home, a woman's place, if a man really love, and should give her to you the best, not the so-called "no" to explain that the woman who loves you is not mared, naked love is a fool, you know.




3:有关婚,What is the basis of a succesul marage? Is it the love or lifelong commitment beeen o people, or is it the dominant position of mateal wealth such as diamond ngs, big houses and cars? Today, we can see a lot of naked marage topi in TV sees. Naked marage refers to the marage of couples without mateal conditions. Most parents oppose naked marage.

I think naked marage is acceptable. The word "naked marage" has appeared in recent years. In Chinese tradition, naked marage refers to the combination of o people who do not consider mateal conditions.

When people get mared, a boy should give some dowry to the girl's parents. What's , with the passage of time, house and car seem to be the necessities of marage. Today, with the great presse of marage, some couples have made a brave choice They choose to give up traditional marage, and they don't want tradition to become an obstacle to their love.

Although most parents don't agree with this idea, some open parents have accepted naked marage, and they think that if they love each other deeply, they will fight for their fute. Naked marage is and easy. Although it goes against the tradition, I still want to say that naked marage is pe and sacred.



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