
发布时间:2022-12-31 17:18:48 阅读:129 点赞:0

关于”保护环境chuer“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Chuer for envinmental ptection。以下是关于保护环境chuer专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chuer for envinmental ptection

My seat is in the city, where the people and the scenery of Jinke sound very betiful. As soon as green enters o village, there comes a flower, which is absolutely breathtaking. When you tn into something, you will hear the sound of flowers.

Look carefully, it tns out to be a all stream. The stream is green and clear. It flows into a all pond and looks like a huge trease fm a distance It's a betiful spng in o community.

The young buds gw on the trees. The jaine flowers are all in the spng rain, and the bamboo shoots are standing upght. They are breathing the fresh air of summer.

The big leaves are given to the rampant Playboys. The old people use fans under the trees. In tumn, the leaves of ginkgo tree like yellow fans fall one after another like bald A yellow butterfly like a vulte is betiful.

Although it sounds like a betiful city, how many other places in o home land like this have entered the like this. There is a stench blowing, dirty, and dirty water, which makes people look very disgusting. Especially in the place where cattle are sold, all kinds of cow dung are rywhere.

The embarrassing envinment is extremely coordinated with the disordered The behavior is n indiant for human beings. After a traffic accident, the school lost its oginal value, and people iored it. Becse of the traffic accident, the red light made people lose their lives and health.

But the tragic accident did not remind people of the Jews. There is still a red light in the heart. Betiful city needs us to build, caress and build together A betiful home, don't let o home become dirty.




2:环境保护局局长,Once upon a time, human beings did not have to consider ptecting their own envinment. There were very few people on the earth, and natal resoces seemed to be infinite. Today, the situation is different.

The world has become too cwded. We are consuming o natal resoces and polluting o envinment with dangeus chemicals. If we continue to do so, human beings on the earth will not be able to svive.

We realized that if we cght too many fish fm the ocean, there would soon be no fish. With modern fishing methods, and fish are killed. We know that if we cut down too many trees, the forest will disappear, and we continue to use powerful machines to cut down and trees.

We see that if the ver is polluted by waste, we will still die, and the waste will be thwn into the ver. We know that if the population continues to gw at the crent rate, in a few years, we will not have enough food to solve these pblems. If we eat vegetables and less meat, there will be food for gwing land.

There are five times land for human beings than for animals. If we learn to reuse them, o natal resoces will last longer. If people finally use modern birth contl methods, the world's population will not gw so fast, educate people to think, we will have a better and cleaner planet in the fute.





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