
发布时间:2023-02-26 04:40:55 阅读:100 点赞:0

关于”我们在夏季能游泳“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:We can swim in summer。以下是关于我们在夏季能游泳专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:We can swim in summer

When summer comes, the weather is warm and sunny, which makes us like all kinds of betiful things, such as vacation in the country, picni and grass parties. When spng comes, she finds that the land is cold and bare, but she soon changes all these things. By the time summer comes, the world is completely different.

Now it is a green world with green leaves, It is one of the best and bgh months of the year. Birds sing for a long time fm sunse to sunset. Birds stop singing one after another.

After the last few sleepy sounds, they put their heads under their wings Rest for an ho or o, and then they go to sleep again. Howr, when the rest of the birds were quiet, they would make a soft call. After a while, another one, again and again, became louder and louder, and soon the Nightingale vomited out its bety, not only at night, on ry warm day in early June, but also in the ads and woods, and bee of all the other birds While singing at the same time, we did not notice his voice, but at night, when he owned the field alone, we heard the most betiful voice of Nightingale.




(no oking in all public places) some enterpses now say that oking is phibited in any of their offices. Some governments have already banned oking in all public places. This is a good idea, although it depves us of some of o .

As we know, oking is not only harmful to o health, but also harmful to the envinment. Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer. The influence of oking on non-okers is greater than that of okers.

Passive okers have a higher rate of illness than okers, so many non-okers object to oking in public places, and oking is harmful. This is related to another effect of oking, that is, oking pollutes the envinment by releasing a large amount of toxic gases into the air. Therefore, it is very necessary and important for us to ban oking.

It is a mease to ptect o health and envinment. So many people, especially non-okers, support this policy. Some people say that it depves us of some .

I think this is a one-sided view. If a person wants to oke, he may oke in pvate places, not in public places. In fact, okers still have the to oke, but I think it's better for okers to quit oking, not just in pvate places, but in public places, rywhere, it will be good for all of us.





As we all know, music is a kind of universal language, it can make us closer to each other. Almost no one can leave music life. No matter what style music is to me, I find it very ful in o daily life.

First of all, concerts let us relax under presse. Music makes me feel immersed in nate. My nerves are released.

We can get inspiration fm some exciting music. I didn't feel so confident when I joined the new class. I seldom talked to anyone.

But I like music with insping ly, and then I gradually regained my confidence. I will always enjoy these music, especially forei music, which will us learn English and better understand forei culte. By studying forei music, I have learned about Ameca and Btain.

The best thing is that I can talk to foreiers a lot now. In short, music plays an important le in o life.





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