
发布时间:2023-02-04 00:17:25 阅读:1014 点赞:0

关于”努力成就更好自己“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Stve to become a better self。以下是关于努力成就更好自己专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Stve to become a better self

I'm sn years old now. Although I'm very young, I was gwing up o years ago. I can't go out alone.

I'm very dependent on my parents. But now I'm different. I can talk to strangers and make fends with them.

I'm no longer afraid of strangers. I'll get better and better.




2:努力成为一个更好自己,If you want to be a good student, there are three charactesti that can you. First of all, in learning, a sense of responsibility is very important to build a sound personality. If you are not responsible, you will delay yo homework or invest too little time in yo homework.

Second, in school life, the relationship beeen people is a valuable fend, which can bng you happiness and lghter. In addition, you can finally Discuss pblems and psue knowledge with them. If you fail, it is important to have a constructive outlook on life.

Don't be disappointed. If you can work towards these goals, try to face yo life and study with coage and determination. You will become a comprehensive and versatile student instead of a nerd.




3:努力成就更好自己,My mother always complains about my bad behavior. For example, I don't finish my food. Sometimes I am irresponsible for my behavior.

I decide to show myself. I want to my mother reli her presse. So I want to be a good child.

I will finish my food and stop picking it up. I will continue to finish my work.



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