
发布时间:2024-01-14 07:56:14 阅读:38 点赞:0

关于”商业媒体发展对“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The dlopment of commercial media。以下是关于商业媒体发展对雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The dlopment of commercial media

3.11 Lancastor House, William & son company, Manchester, UK, March o reference No. yo reference No.: National Transportation Company Badway Street, Yangon, BmaDear Sirs, reply: laboratory instruments company has been established by Charles, Bermingham Evans Co., Ltd. recommended it to us.

We have done some business with them in the past o years. We are consideng to oain a batch of instruments. Please pvide the catalogue, pce list and pamphlet.

If there is any, we are looking forward to yo early reply. You are faithful and blocky) 2. El Mar trading company main street Fresno, California, USA Tel: Elmar Fresno We thank you for yo letter in January and enclose a table of contents for yo reference.

We are happy to offer you any fther assistance. If you need any other information, please contact us. Yo sincere attachment: as mentioned above (half block with indented paragraph): 3 law firm wwwexamdcom AAA company main street Centerville, billboard Inc., Badway metpolis, New York, USA.

Apl Mr. President: we attach great importance to yo long-term relationship with us. A review of yo account shows that it has been some time since you last paid to us.

If you encounter some difficulties leading to this situation, we would be grateful if you could receive yo remittance notice at an early date.


3.11英国曼彻斯特威廉父子公司Lancastor House xx月我方参考号贵方参考号:国家运输公司百老汇大街仰光,BmaDear Sirs,回复:实验室仪器公司已由伯明翰Charles Evans有限公司推荐给我方,我们在过去两年中与他们做了一些生意,我们正在考虑获得一批仪器,请提供目录、价目表和小册子,如果有话,我们期待您早答复,您忠实,块状)2 EL Mar贸易公司Main Street Fresno,加州电话:电报地址:ELMAR FRESNO JanuaryGentlemen,我们感谢您xx月来信,随函附上目录供您参考。我们很乐意为您提供任何进一步帮助。如果您需要任何其他,请与我们联系。

您真诚附件:如前所述(半块式带缩进段落):3律师事务所WWWEXAMDACOM AAA Company Main Street Centerville,纽约百老汇大都会Billboard Inc.xx月份先生:我们重视您与我们长期关系。对您账户显示,自您上次向我们付款以来,已经过了一段时间,如果您遇到了一些导致这种情况困难,如能早收到贵方,我们将不胜感激。


China's commercial films are a matter of quality and models. I think that directors in the mainland now only attbute half of the success of a commercial film to Feng Xiaog. It can't be said that the whole success is becse his style is always too restrained, and the dience of films is too limited.

Like other directors, most art films are at the beginning of their birth, or just one The is an art film. I always hear that so and so has won awards abad and can get the same all box office in the mainland. Now sral commercial film directors, Cheng Siwei, and so on, are also due to the good pnciples of sociali.

Many subjects can not be played, and there is not so much money to get, becse I opened a video shop in the University, many Indian students, not to mention this country The quality of people is that we love people than o films. Even if we always ask a movie with a strange English pnunciation, the film has become an indispensable part of people's life. There is no unified film base in China, and the formulation of film pnciples is too gid.

Where is a screenplay, there should be a screenwter, and a good screenwter will kill the dead For such a good scpt, don't leave all the rubbish for the movies. In the end, it's the advantage of the media to collect the box office. Chinese commercial films have always been like this.

If a single mode is adopted, I'm afraid I'll look forward to the birth of good movies for a long time, but I'm afraid they can only be a dream.




The wting pnciples are concise, clear, polite, complete, clear, specific, concise, correct, polite and considerate. With reference to yo letter of Apl, we are pleased to accept yo offer for tons of copper wire as per yo Quotation No. Once we know the export license number, we will open the L / C by cable / b.



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