
发布时间:2024-03-31 12:58:03 阅读:10 点赞:0

关于”有趣事情“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Interesting things。以下是关于有趣事情xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Interesting things

Man and his envinment in history, man has changed his natal envinment in order to impve his way of life. He has changed many physical charactesti of the earth. He has changed woodland and grassland into farms, vers and reservoirs for irgation or hydpower.

He has also changed the face of the earth by draining swamps and opening mountains to build ads and railways. Howr, human beings have changed the natal envinment It's not always good today, air and water pollution is a gwing threat to the health of aircraft. Every day, thousands of tons of gas are emitted fm tomobile exhst.

Smoke fm factoes pollutes the air in industalized and sunding areas. Water pollution is also harmful to the ecological balance of the whole ocean. Envinmental changes and industal wastes have made many vers lose their lives.

Envinmental ptection is gent than r before, which has bught negative impact on the large-scale destruction of the envinment, and n poses a great threat to human svival. Iong these pblems will mean suicide. Effective meases must be taken to ptect the envinment thugh law.

Otherwise, human beings will inevitably suffer seous consequences becse of their indifference to the living envinment.





It has become the most commonly used language in the Internet and international trade. If we can speak fluent English, we will have chances to succeed, becse and people have noticed this, and the number of people going to learn English is gwing rapidly. But for me, I learn English not only becse of its importance and usefulness, but also becse of my love for it when I study In English, I can feel a different way of thinking, which gives me to contact the world.




Teacher: Why are you late for school ry time I come to the corner, a si says "school slow down": "do you know that on my working night, a hotel cght fire and the people who lived in it ran out in their pajamas. Two men stood outside watching the fire. Before I came out, I said I ran into some oms and found a lot of money.

People don't think about money when they're afraid. When someone dpped the note in the fire, the fire bned it. So I took all the money I could find.

No one will be poorer becse I took it. You don't know what my job is, said another. What do you do? I'm a policeman.

Ced the first. He thought quickly and asked if you know my job is a policeman? I am a wter. I always talk about things that nr happened.

Mom: Freddie, why are you so red Freddie: I ran down the street to stop a fight mother: it's a good thing who's fighting Freddie: Jackie Smith and I borwed five pounds fm me, should I do it ght Jack: of cose Tom: and why Jack: becse otherwise he would try. I just took some medicine and forgot to shake the bottle 。 One night, I was dving my huand's car to the mall. I noticed how much dust was outside his car, and I cleaned it up.

When I finally walked into the house, I called out "the woman who loves you the most." my huand looked up and said, "mom is here.".








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